The Church is Key to the Battle Against Pornography and Exploitation

Take Action

Online pornography websites are breaking U.S. laws with impunity! Why? Because for years, the U.S. Department of Justice has not enforced our laws against obscenity, human trafficking, child pornography, or even any of our tax laws against these serial abusers. As a result, they have been permitted to continue to abuse thousands of women, children, and men around the globe. If our government hesitates to enforce our laws, the trauma experienced by those exploited for – and exposed to – pornography will continue.

Join Us

Join us in demanding that the U.S. DOJ enforce existing laws against illegal pornography! Help us flood the inboxes of the AG and other key officials by sending this email below!

Shut Down Pornhub and Hold Its Executives Accountable for Aiding Trafficking

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