Examples of Sex Week Activities

  • Brown: Fornication 101
    Megan Andelloux is a certified sexologist and sexuality educator, and the director of the Center for Sexual Health and Pleasure in Pawtucket, RI. Her presentation, Fornication 101, will introduce students to carnal knowledge, comfort in awkward situations and hot safer sex behaviors. Topics include, but are certainly not limited to: ejaculation, petting kitties, putting condoms on with your mouth, anal adventures, G-spot stimulation, and sexual positions. You will not want to miss this!
  • University of Chicago: Porn
    We’re bringing in a director of 400 porno films, Axel Braun, and showing a favorite parody film, Star Wars XXX. Learn about the process, and discuss the stereotypes stemming from porn. Other films include documentaries on the g-spot and comedies.Visit Sex in the Media for PG-Porn, sex in commercials, and other videos.
  • University of Chicago: “Rope Workshop”
    Want to learn to tie your partner up? Curious about bondage, but didn’t know how to try on your own? We’ll be showing the basics of rope tying, and a bit beyond the basics!
  • Harvard: “How to Lose your Virginity,” “Sex Toys 101,” and “Munch, Dinner & Kink”
  • University of Michigan: Kink for Beginners
    Thinking of getting acquainted with kink, or curious about BDSM? Start here to learn about safety, communication, and other tips. Participants will learn about basic BDSM concepts and how to safely and respectfully navigate new experiences.
Dirty Dozen List 2014 - Sex Week

The Problem

[Original 2014 description]

Why is Sex Week on the Dirty Dozen List?

A variety of studies indicate that sexual assault on campus is a significant although underreported problem. The problem is now so serious that President Obama has launched the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, chaired by Vice President Biden. According to the White House press release announcing the program, “Studies show that about one in five women is a survivor of attempted or completed sexual violence while in college.”

While the numbers and frequency of such crimes may be in dispute, it is undeniable that pornography-use by the perpetrator is a factor in many assaults both on and off campus. The link between pornography and crime is well documented on our website.

It is therefore perplexing that many colleges and universities, including some of our nation’s top schools, are succumbing to student pressure to welcome so-called “sex week” celebrations to bring hardcore pornography, as well as pornographic displays for public consumption on campuses. Some schools even include lectures on sex by naked instructors and demonstrations encouraging students to engage in BDSM, or violent torture sex.

At Yale University, where sex week was first initiated a dozen years ago there are two reported rape cases just this week as we launch the annual Dirty Dozen List. The assaults were reported by students who attended an annual “BDSM” party (where students dressed up in bondage costumes and violent porn was projected on the walls of the room).

Sex week celebrations have now spread to Harvard, Columbia, University of Chicago, Brown, Northwestern, University of Tennessee, University of Michigan and a smattering of other schools.

On this site we will continually update contact information of university and college officials at schools that allow sex week celebrations.

It is noted that on some campuses students concerned about sexual assault, abstinence, and respect for the sexes are muscling their way onto the agendas of sex week celebrations to bring balance to the events.

WARNING: There are graphic images and text descriptions shown in these sections.


Examples of Sex Week Activities

Take Action

Pressure the DOJ to Enforce Obscenity Law

Public Health Harms of Pornography

Download the research summaries of studies on the harm of pornography

Tell DOJ to Investigate SeekingArrangement

Ask the DOJ to investigate SeekingArrangement for facilitating sex trafficking and prostitution.


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