Research Institute

Harnessing the power of data to create a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation

We believe effective efforts to end sexual abuse and exploitation must cut the hype, relentlessly pursue and report the facts, and speak the truth—even when it’s unpopular.

We aren’t satisfied with understanding why and how people and institutions behave in ways that inflict sexual harm. That’s why, we work to identify evidence-based solutions that move us beyond reactive measures. We seek holistic solutions that prevent victimization before it begins.

Perhaps you or someone you care about has experienced sexual abuse or exploitation. Maybe you dream of making the world a safer place, of ending injustices, of finding solutions to some of the world’s most intractable problems. Or, possibly curiosity about sexual abuse and exploitation issues has launched you on a quest to learn more. Whatever it is that brings you to the NCOSE Research Institute, we’re glad you’re here. We invite you to explore the information provided and to join us on our mission to harness the power of data to create a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation.

Featured Research Spotlights

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Estimating the Sex Buying Behavior of Adult Males in the United States: List Experiment and Direct Question Estimates
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Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated with Pornography Consumption: The Brain on Porn
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A Descriptive Analysis of the Types, Targets, and Relative Frequency of Aggression in Mainstream Pornography
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What does the Research Institute do?

We conduct analysis, develop educational programs and resources, identify evidence-based practices, and design and collaborate in applied research projects to build individual, institutional, and public policy solutions to eradicate the web of sexual abuse and exploitation.

Our areas of focus include a wide-ranging yet interrelated array of topics including but not limited to:

  • child sexual abuse
  • child-on-child harmful sexual behavior
  • sexual objectification
  • image-based sexual abuse
  • sexual harassment and assault
  • compulsive sexual behaviors
  • the public health hazards of pornography
  • stripping
  • prostitution
  • sex trafficking of adults and children
  • demand for sexual abuse and exploitation
  • the neurological impacts of sexual trauma
  • the intersection of these issues with technology

Sign-up to get top peer reviewed research about the harms and public health impacts of sexual exploitation

In this free resource from the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, we explore the classifications and definitions of image-based sexual abuse. This includes details on terminology to reject and subcategories that are included under the IBSA umbrella.

Download NCOSE's new FREE resource:

New Research on Demand Reduction

More than half of the children in the U.S. now own smartphones, and while the technology offers many benefits to kids, it also provides them with access to hardcore pornography – damaging their development and building the addiction at a young age.

Download NCOSE's new FREE resource:

Building a Safe Internet so Youth Can Connect, Learn, Love, and Thrive

NCOSE Research Institute graphic for Demand Forum

Demand Forum

A Comprehensive Online Resource For People Interested In Ending Sex Trafficking And Prostitution

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