“The Movement” Ep 2: The Take It Down Act, Prostitution Legislation, and More


Episode 2 of The Movement has launched!

The Movement is a brand-new video update series, designed to keep you up to speed on progress and challenges in the fight to end sexual exploitation.

This week, we discuss the introduction of a new bill addressing image-based sexual abuse, a helpful resource published by the NCOSE Research Institute, our petition to the Supreme Court, and more.

The Take it Down Act Tackles Image-Based Sexual Abuse (IBSA)

Image-based sexual abuse (IBSA) is a pervasive and damaging crime that impacts millions around the world. It includes but is not limited to the non-consensual distribution of sexually explicit images, which leads to devastating repercussions like harassment, blackmail, and severe emotional distress. The digital age has only exacerbated this issue, allowing images to spread rapidly in seconds. Our current laws fall far short in protecting victims and holding offenders accountable, which is why Senator Cruz (R-TX) and Senator Klobuchar (D-MN) recently introduced the Take it Down Act.

The Take it Down Act is pivotal in the fight against image-based sexual abuse (IBSA) by establishing that IBSA is a Federal Crime. The bill will prevent IBSA through the following steps:

  • Targeting Perpetrators: The act targets not only the initial perpetrator but also anyone who uploads intimate content without affirmative consent. This broadens the scope of accountability and protection.
  • Effective Removal: In practical terms, this legislation means that when take-down requests are sent to platforms, the content will be removed within 48 hours, providing real remedies. Currently, take-down requests are often ignored by major platforms like Reddit and Twitter.
  • Ahead of Deepfakes: The act addresses the emerging problem of deepfakes, establishing a duty for platforms to remove this harmful content.

It’s time for us to stand up, demand stricter laws, and advocate for comprehensive support systems. We must act now to end this heinous practice and safeguard the dignity and well-being of all individuals.

A Challenge: Supreme Court Rejects Petition from Sex Trafficking Survivors

On Monday, June 17, the United States Supreme Court denied the petition for certiorari filed by three sex trafficking survivors, the NCOSE Law Center, and co-counsel Jason Guinasso.

This petition concerned the case Williams, et. al., v. Lombardo, et. al., in which the survivor-plaintiffs sued the Nevada brothel, escort agency, and strip clubs that sex trafficked them, along with the government entities that enabled, incentivized, and profited from their exploitation. We asked the Supreme Court to review the decisions of lower courts which dismissed the government officials from the case. Read more about the petition for certiorari here.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court denied this petition on June 17th—but this is not the end!

The Supreme Court’s denial is not an agreement that the lower court’s decision to dismiss government defendants from the case was correct; it merely means that, given other matters before the court, it has chosen for now not to review the case (the Court only takes about 1% of the cases submitted for review).

In the meantime, we will continue to prosecute this lawsuit against the brothel, escort agency, and strip club defendants. Further, we are currently pursuing a second lawsuit against the state of Nevada which gets to the heart of the issue of government entities enabling and profiting from sex trafficking. Learn about this lawsuit here.

We invite you to consider donating to the NCOSE Law Center, to help us overcome these challenges! We will not give up, but we need your support to keep the fight going strong. Our survivor clients always remain free of charge, so your donation is key in making lawsuits like this possible.

10 Reasons to Oppose Full Decriminalization of Sex Buying, Pimping, and Brothel Keeping 

Efforts attempting to fully decriminalize sex buying, pimping, and brothel keeping are rising. But full decriminalization of prostitution, like legalization, is devastating. Not only does sex trafficking increase to keep up with the demand created by unleashed sex buyers, but many other harms and crimes follow as well. Just look at what has happened in places like Germany and New Zealand. There has also been an explosion in street prostitution occurring in broad daylight in Queens, New York, where because the local prosecutor is no longer prosecuting sex buyers and pimps, de facto decriminalization of prostitution in in full operation.

Our Research Institute prepared 10 talking points on why we need to oppose decriminalizing sex buying, pimping, and brothel keeping! These are all backed by strong research studies outlined in the footnotes. Take a look below!

The #CESESummit is Fast Approaching!

THE gathering for the #EndExploitation Movement is just over a month away! 

The 2024 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Summit will feature top-tier speakers such as Reem Alsalam, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls; Frances Haugen, Facebook Whistleblower (speaking remotely); Elizabeth Smart, Survivor-Leader, Founder of the Elizabeth Smart Foundation and Co-founder of the Phase Alliance; and many more.

There will be opportunities to learn, network, collaborate, and strategize with like-minded individuals seeking to end sexual abuse and exploitation.

Don’t miss out! As one former attendee said, ““For someone looking to be involved in the fight for human dignity and the abolition of the sexual exploitation industry, this is THE one event you most certainly CANNOT afford to miss.

The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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Sharing experiences may be a restorative and liberating process. This is a place for those who want to express their story.

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