Dirty Dozen List 2013 - Wikipedia header

The Problem

[Original 2013 description]

Why is Wikipedia on the Dirty Dozen List?

The popular encyclopedia-type website houses thousands of pornographic images within its articles. According to news reports, even child pornography has been found on Wikipedia. Despite this problem, Wikipedia leadership refuses to monitor the site or to code the pages as having “adult content” so that filters can block the pages. Wikipedia claims it is solely the responsibility of the parents to watch what their children are accessing on its site. The founder of Wikipedia has spoken against this, yet the current leadership refuses to remove any pornography.

Federal obscenity laws, which the U.S. Department of Justice refuses to currently enforce, prohibit distribution of hardcore, obscene pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite or hotel/motel TV and in sexually oriented businesses and other retail shops.

  • 18 U.S.C. 1462 Importation or use of a common carrier to transport obscene matter
  • 18 U.S.C. 1465 Interstate transportation of obscene matter

Sections 1462 and 1465 cited above also prohibit distribution of obscenity on the Internet.

WARNING: There are graphic images and text descriptions shown in these sections.


Take Action

Pressure the DOJ to Enforce Obscenity Law

Public Health Harms of Pornography

Download the research summaries of studies on the harm of pornography


Deeply Damaging to Relationships, Mental Health, and Empathy for Other Human Beings


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NCOSE Press Statement logo

WASHINGTON, DC (September 7, 2023) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) commends Snapchat for making comprehensive changes to improve child safety as a direct response to being named to its 2023 Dirty Dozen List. As a result, NCOSE is moving Snapchat to its Dirty Dozen “Watch List.” “Snapchat

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