Job & Family Lost
Three years ago I spent over 1,000 hours on internet pornography. One thousand hours works out to be forty-one complete 24 hour days of internet
Three years ago I spent over 1,000 hours on internet pornography. One thousand hours works out to be forty-one complete 24 hour days of internet
By Robin W. This was shared in the Blazing Grace Newsletter here: http://www.urbansermons.org/f/blazing-grace-newsletter-march-2006 Robin’s new website is www.loveyoursister.com. This month, I should have celebrated my fifth
Here’s Tony Lister’s story of his journey. He developed a program to help those struggling with addiction. See http://curethecraving.com/porn-addiction There’s help for porn addiction recovery and sexual
Pornography played a devastating roll in her marriage. Eventually both she and her husband preferred pornography to an intimate relationship with one another. Shared via
“Yes, I was a porn producer for 9 years, contracting with Playboy and a group of other well known companies. Yes, I have become a