‘Adult industry’ is no friend of children despite ASACP effort to curb child abuse

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NEW YORK (March 31, 2009) – In a 12,000-word paper entitled, ‘Adult industry’ is no friend of children or the family, MIM President Robert Peters examines evidence that the proliferation of  “adult pornography” (actual minors not depicted) on the Internet is contributing to sexual abuse of children and to other harms and asserts that the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) is a front organization for adult pornographers who are “attempting to divert attention from their harmful and often illegal businesses and to portray themselves as responsible corporate citizens.”

“The ‘adult industry’ is not now and never has been a friend of children,” he writes.

“Even assuming that individuals associated with ASACP are themselves concerned about the welfare of children, the organization itself serves as a front group for online commercial distributors of ‘adult pornography,’ and the proliferation of ‘adult pornography’ on the Internet poses a significant risk to children in a variety of ways, as well as to society.

“Federal and state law enforcement agencies and prosecutors, Internet service providers, credit card companies, banks, and nonprofits are finally working together to curb sexual exploitation of children on the Internet.  They are to be commended for doing so.

“For the most part, however, these same government and private entities…turn a blind eye towards the ever-expanding problem of ‘adult pornography’ on the Internet…Those who fight sexual exploitation of children but turn their backs to the ‘adult pornography’ problem are making a tragic mistake.”

He adds, “I think some government and private entities have not only turned their backs to the ‘adult pornography’ problem.  Increasingly, they are cozying up to the ‘adult entertainment industry’ as if it were a friend of children.”

In his article, Mr. Peters makes the following eight points in support of his assertion that the explosion of “adult pornography” online is contributing to sexual exploitation of children and other harms:

  1. Many adults who sexually exploit children display ‘adult pornography’ to their victims.
  2. Many adults who sexually exploit children use ‘adult pornography’ to arouse
  3. Many adults who violate sexual exploitation of children laws begin their downward spiral by viewing ‘adult pornography.’
  4. Some adults addicted to ‘adult pornography’ act out sexually with child prostitutes.
  5. Many online distributors of ‘adult pornography’ market depictions of sex with ‘teens.’
  6. Addiction to ‘adult pornography’ destroys marriages and that harms children.
  7. ASACP’s RTA (Restricted to Adults) labels provide little protection for children.
  8. Legitimate governmental interests, in addition to protecting children, are at stake.

In his article, Mr. Peters also responds to arguments that U.S. based online “adult pornographers” are not breaking any laws and that because of limited resources the Justice Department and FBI are right to focus their energies almost exclusively on child molesters and child pornography.

Here are the research citations for the eight points (links are provided in the article)

1.  Many adults who sexually exploit children display ‘adult pornography’ to their victims.

K. Lanning, FBI Supervisory Special Agent, retired, “Child Molesters: A Behavior Analysis” (National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, 1-148 (2001)

R. Langevin & S. Curnoe, “The Use of Pornography During the Commission of Sexual Offenses,”International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 48, 572-586 (2004)

R.W. Bennett & Chief D.F. Gates (LAPD), “The Relationship Between Pornography and Extramarital Child Abuse,” The Police Chief, 14-20, Feb. 1991

R.A. Lang  & R.R. Frenzel, “How Sex Offenders Lure Children,” Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 1, 303-317 (1988)

2.  Many adults who sexually exploit children use ‘adult pornography’ to arouse

J.B. Rabun, then Deputy Director of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Letter to J.A. Reisman, Mar. 1988

D.A. Kingston, P. Fedoroff, P. Firestone, S. Curry, & J.M. Bradford, “Pornography Use and Sexual Aggression: The Impact of Frequency and Type of Pornography Use on Recidivism Among Sexual Offenders,” Aggressive Behaviors, 34, 341-351 (2008)

R. Langevin & S. Curnoe, “Use of Pornography During the Commission of Sexual Offenses,”
Intern. Jrnl. of Offender Therapy & Comparative Criminology, 48, 572-586 (2004)

W.L. Marshall, “Revisiting the use of pornography by sexual offenders: Implications for theory and practice,” Journal of Sexual Aggression, 6, 67-77 (2000)

D.L. Wheeler, “The Relationship Between Pornography Usage and Child Molesting,” Ph.D. Dissertation approved by Texas A&M University, 1996 (published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, 2001)

3.  Many adults who violate sexual exploitation laws begin their downward spiral by
     viewing ‘adult pornography’.

“Child Pornography Fact Sheet,” National Center for Missing & Exploited Children,www.missingkids.com

“Internet contacts increase pedophilia: Spanish Experts Say,” Expatica.com, 11/2//08:

P. O’Hare, “Waging the war on child porn,” Houston Chronicle, 12/2/07

L. Michel & D. Herbeck, “Confessions of a child porn addict,” Buffalo News, 10/17/07

J. Scheeres, “Porn Spam: It’s Getting Raunchier,” Wired News, 9/30/02

L. Kelleher, “Irish Lawyer leading fight in Asia against evil perverts,” Sunday Mirror, 9/9/01

“What makes a pedophile?” The Express, 12/6/00

M.L. Healy, “Child pornography: an international perspective” (ECPAT, working document for the World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Stockholm, 1996)

J. Sher and B. Carey, “Debate on Child Pornography’s Link to Molesting,” NY Times, 7/19/07

M.C. Seto, J.M. Cantor and R. Blanchard, “Child pornography offenses are a valid diagnostic indicator of pedophilia,” J. Abnorm. Psychol. 115, 610-615 (2006)

J. Wolak, D. Finkelhor and K. Mitchell, “Child Pornography Possessors Arrested in Internet-Related Crimes,” National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (2005)

D.E.H. Russell and N.J. Purcell, “Exposure to Pornography as a Cause of Child Sexual Victimization,” in Handbook of Children, Culture, and Violence 59, (N.E. Dowd, D.G. Singer and R.F. Wilson, eds., 2006)

4.  Some adults addicted to ‘adult pornography’ act out sexually with child prostitutes.

R. Peters, “Sexual Trafficking & Pornography: Link Between the Two,” Morality in Media (2008)

M. Corwin, “Life on the Street: New Wave of Prostitution With More Violence Is Overwhelming Los Angeles Authorities,” LA Times, 12/8/85

“A facilitator’s guide to Prostitution: a matter of violence against women,” WHISPER (“Women Hurt in Systems of Prostitution Engaged in Revolt,” Minneapolis)(1990)

J. Tomassini, “Hotels target of police sting,” Gaithersburg Gazette, 12/24/08

5.  Many online distributors of ‘adult pornography’ market depictions of sex with ‘teens.’

People v. Pierce, 2005 Cal. App. Unpublished, LEXIS 4520 (2005)

6.  Addiction to ‘adult pornography’ destroys marriages and that harms children.

“One-parent Households Double Risk of Child Sexual Abuse,” ScienceDaily.com (3/14/07)

“Children under 12 years with sexual behaviour problems in London and Middlesex County; Trends and professional perceptions,” Center for Research on Violence Against Women and Children” (Feb. 2005)

Testimony of J. Manning, Hearing on Pornography’s Impact on Marriage and the Family, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Committee on Judiciary, U.S. Senate (11/11/05)

V.B. Cline, “Treatment & Healing of Pornography & Sexual Addictions”

C.W. Fall, Pornography’s Harms from a Catholic Therapist’s Perspective

J.W. Kennedy, “Help for the Sexually Desperate,” Christianity Today, Mar. 2008

R.S. Whitehead, “What Do the Courts Say?  Child Custody, Visitation Rights & Pornography,”

P. Paul, Pornified: How Pornography Is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, And Our Families, Henry Holt & Company, 2005

7.  ASACP’s “RTA” labels provide little protection for children from Internet smut.

S. Yagielowicz, “RTA Celebrates 2 Years of Success,” XBIZ News, 11/7/08

“Internet Pornography Statistics,” www.internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com

“Parents, Children & Media,” Kaiser Family Foundation (June 2007)

C. Sabina, J. Wolak & D. Finkelhor, “The Nature and Dynamics of Internet Pornography Exposure for Youth,” CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11, 691-693, Dec. 2008

J. Wolak, K. Mitchell & D. Finkelhor, “Online Victimization of Youth: Five Years Later,” National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (2006)

National Center on Addiction & Substance Abuse, “National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse IX: Teen Dating Practices and Sexual Activity” (2004)

M.A. Layden, Hearing on the Brain Science Behind Pornography Addiction, Subcommittee on Science, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, U.S. Senate, 11/18/04

E.M. Alexy, A.W. Burgess & R.A. Prentky, “Pornography Use as a Marker for an Aggressive Pattern of Behavior Among Sexually Reactive Children & Adolescents,” Journal of  American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 14, 442-453 (2009)

S. Kraus & B. Russell, “Early Sexual Experiences: The Role of Internet Access and Sexually Explicit Material,” CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11, 162-168 (2008)

E. Landau, “When sex becomes an addiction,” www.cnn.com, 9/5/08

H. Neill, “Male sex addict cases ‘increase,’” BBC Radio, 1/10/08

T. DeAngelis, “Web Pornography’s Effect on Children,” Monitor on Psychology, 38, Nov. 2007

K. Kurtis, “Sex Offenders Younger, More Violent,” Associated Press, 6/9/07

“Web is blamed for 20 per cent leap in sex attacks by children,” Evening Standard, 3/307

N. Wallace, “Net helps children start sex attacks,” Sydney (AU) Morning Herald, 11/26/03

S. Gilbert, “A Conversation with Lynn Ponton: An Expert’s Eye on Teenage Sex, Risk & Abuse,”NY Times, 01/15/02

“Internet Safety 101: Empowering Parents,” Enough is Enough, 2008

“Generation XXX: Pornography Acceptance and Use Among Emerging Adults,” J. Adolesc. Res., 23, 6-30, 2008

D. Amsden, “Not Tonight, Honey.  I’m Logging On,”New York Magazine, 10/20/03

N. Wolf, “The Porn Myth: In the end, porn doesn’t whet men’s appetites – It turns them off to the real thing,” NY Magazine, 10/20/03

8. Legitimate governmental interests, in addition to protecting children, are at stake.

Paris Adult Theater I v. Slaton, 413 U.S. 49 (1973)

R. Burkholder, “Iraq and the West: How Wide is the Morality Gap,” GALLUP, 11/25/03

“Increased Visits to Porn Sites At Work,” Industry News, Wavecrest Computing, 2/24/09
Statement of Roger Young, Special Agent, FBI retired

“Social Costs of Pornography Consultation,” Witherspoon Institute, Dec. 2008, pre-Consultation paper drafts

“Question of Harm,” Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography: Final Report, 299-351, 1986

The paper is available from Morality in Media upon request.

Headquartered in New York City, MORALITY IN MEDIA works through constitutional means to curb traffic in illegal obscenity. MIM operates the www.obscenitycrimes.org website, where citizens can report possible violations of federal Internet obscenity laws.

Author: MIM   03/31/2009

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NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


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