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Help Ensure the Next U.S. Attorney General Starts Enforcing Laws Combatting Sexual Exploitation


The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hold confirmation hearings for Mr. William Barr for the position of U.S. Attorney General of U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) next week. Help us urge the Committee to ensure Mr. Barr’s commitment to rigorous enforcement of the nation’s laws combating sexual exploitation, and to adopt proactive measures in combatting sexual exploiters. With the upcoming confirmation hearings, Judiciary Committee members have a momentous opportunity to reproach the agency for dereliction of its responsibility to uphold such laws, and to charge Mr. Barr to clean house.

This includes:

1. Federal prosecution of Internet-based platforms (such as Skip the Games, Switter, Bedpage, and others) which promote prostitution and facilitate sex trafficking

2. Vigorous enforcement of federal obscenity laws, 18 U.S.C. § 1460 to 18 U.S.C. § 1470

3. Implementation of policy and law enforcement efforts aimed at combating demand for commercial sex

If confirmed Mr. Barr will have great power and opportunity to set U.S. law enforcement priorities. As such, we must implore the committee to question Mr. Barr on his committment to these issues.