EU Report Reveals Countries with Legalized Prostitution Have Higher Rates of Sex Trafficking
Member States and the European Parliament must adopt policies criminalizing sex buying and providing services to prostituted people.
Member States and the European Parliament must adopt policies criminalizing sex buying and providing services to prostituted people.
The NCOSE Law Center is doing phenomenal work—Dani Pinter awarded Polaris Star Award for Legal Advocate Leader of the Year.
Local orgs are working to change the narrative and provide trauma informed resources and support to victims looking for a way out. You can help.
Join grassroots efforts to help raise awareness and stop sex trafficking leading up to the Super Bowl this year!
“If signed into law, SB 357 would severely limit law enforcement’s ability to identify victims of human trafficking”
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights—including the right to be free from sexual abuse and exploitation.
A third sex trafficking survivor has joined two other plaintiffs who were sex trafficked in Nevada in a lawsuit
“Proposals to fully decriminalize prostitution, or to stop enforcing prostitution laws, do nothing to drive down the demand or prevent trafficking – they only do the opposite.”
Ep. 42 Dawn Hawkins reviews the mission, history, work, and vision of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.
Dawn Hawkins looks forward to realizing NCOSE’s grand goal and vision: a world free from all forms of sexual abuse and exploitation.
Regulated prostitution in Nevada facilitates sex trafficking, a form of slavery and involuntary servitude, violating the 13th Amendment.
During Mental Illness Awareness Week, we recognize the harmful impacts of systems of prostitution, pornography, and trafficking on victims.