United Nations Must Adopt Report that Tells Truth About Prostitution
A new report from the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls tells the truth about prostitution. Call on the UN to adopt this report!
A new report from the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls tells the truth about prostitution. Call on the UN to adopt this report!
Come learn how emerging tech has reshaped the fight against sexual exploitation. Let’s use tech for GOOD, not for harm!
Steve Woodson was a sex buyer. But when he was arrested, it wasn’t just for buying sex.
Three survivor plaintiffs are seeking to hold the state of Nevada accountable for profiting from and enabling their exploitation in legal brothels.
WASHINGTON, DC (May 16, 2024) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) said that a new law in Belgium provides legal cover for pimps
WASHINGTON, DC (April 30, 2024) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) is calling on the Sound of Freedom producer, Eduardo Verástegui, to disavow
Disclosing the identity of sex buyers—as is often done for other crimes—is a powerful deterrence tactic. Stop sex trafficking by stopping demand!
WASHINGTON, DC (April 10, 2024) – Three of the world’s wealthiest companies have been named to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s (NCOSE) 2024 Dirty
The Dirty Dozen List calls out 12 mainstream facilitators of sexual exploitation and invites individuals to take action to catalyze change.
Would you be against a CEO telling his female employees they need to have sex with him to get a raise? If so, you should be against prostitution. Here’s why.
Following the release of an National Institute of Justice funded study, NCOSE hosted a symposium with leading experts on preventing sex trafficking by combatting sex buying.
NCOSE has released its 2023 Gratitude Report—and there is indeed much to be grateful for!