This is How Etsy is Selling Sexual Exploitation
While millions worldwide flock to Etsy for the chance to buy handcrafted goods and support small business owners, there is a dark side to it.
While millions worldwide flock to Etsy for the chance to buy handcrafted goods and support small business owners, there is a dark side to it.
Watsons’s recent trade shows a larger pattern of negligence from the NFL in turning a blind eye towards issues of sexual exploitation.
“The 2022 Dirty Dozen List serves as a challenge to these companies and entities named to live up to their social responsibilities and make crucial changes to stop and prevent harm on their platforms and through their products.”
What is the Dirty Dozen List? The Dirty Dozen List is an annual campaign calling out twelve mainstream entities for facilitating, enabling, and even profiting
The Dirty Dozen List has fostered incredible change—from legislation drafted to safety policies and features introduced and more.
WASHINGTON, DC (March 3, 2022) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), along with 13 Los Angeles-based organizations, collectively worked together to help victims
WHAT: The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) will host an online reveal event of the 2022 Dirty Dozen List of mainstream contributors to sexual exploitation.
Member States and the European Parliament must adopt policies criminalizing sex buying and providing services to prostituted people.
The NCOSE Law Center is doing phenomenal work—Dani Pinter awarded Polaris Star Award for Legal Advocate Leader of the Year.
Local orgs are working to change the narrative and provide trauma informed resources and support to victims looking for a way out. You can help.
Join grassroots efforts to help raise awareness and stop sex trafficking leading up to the Super Bowl this year!
National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month is a timely reminder of how important it is to stop the demand for sex buying.