Class Certified in Survivor’s Suit Against Pornhub Parent Company MindGeek/Aylo
WASHINGTON, DC (December 19, 2023) – A survivor of childhood sex trafficking and child sexual abuse material (CSAM) has won significant a victory in her
WASHINGTON, DC (December 19, 2023) – A survivor of childhood sex trafficking and child sexual abuse material (CSAM) has won significant a victory in her
Members of the LGBTQ+ community are our family members, our colleagues, our friends, our partners and allies: they are those with whom we fight and for whom we fight.
Pornhub has released its annual “Year in Review”. But here’s what the year REALLY looked like for them.
WASHINGTON, DC (December 11, 2023) – Today, a lawsuit brought by two survivors of sex trafficking was dismissed by the U.S. District Court for the
Historic court ruling against Pornhub + new shocking undercover investigation
Street Grace and EPIK Project combat sexual exploitation through innovative uses of emerging technology.
CDA 230 has been misinterpreted by the courts as granting blanket immunity for tech companies to facilitate sexual exploitation. Take Action!
WASHINGTON, DC (November 3, 2023) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), along with over 250 advocates, called on Congress to pass solutions to
Last week, over 250 advocates gathered in Washington, DC to urge congress to fight online sexual exploitation!
NCOSE is thrilled to bestow the Dignity Defense Award on Rep. Lois Galgay Reckitt of Maine, who introduced legislation to decriminalize prostituted people while increasing criminal penalties on sex buyers.
History is full of examples of how concerned citizens changed society forever, when their grassroots efforts led to groundbreaking public policy. Together, we can do it again.
90% of young people in 20+ countries are now better protected!