Dirty Dozen List: A Decade in Review
When YOU take action, it makes a difference! For proof, let’s review a decade of victories from the Dirty Dozen List!
When YOU take action, it makes a difference! For proof, let’s review a decade of victories from the Dirty Dozen List!
We are heartened by the strong resolve shown by the UN to keep demand reduction as an important and pivotal response to combating the crime of sex trafficking.
There is nothing glamorous or fashionable about child sexual abuse, rape, and sex trafficking. Pornhub has no place in mainstream fashion shows.
The band-aid stood out pale against Gabrielle’s dark knee. For a moment, she simply frowned at it, trying to figure out what was wrong.
Then she realized.
The band-aid was “skin color” . . . But not her skin color.
WASHINGTON, DC (February 8, 2023) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) commended Google for its decision to automatically blur explicit images in search
It is reported that 40% of sex trafficking victims in the U.S. are Black, despite Black people making up only 13.6% of the U.S. population. This significant statistic points to a disturbing trend of disproportionate racial discrimination in sex trafficking.
NCOSE is working to end sex trafficking, prostitution, and all exploitation by CHALLENGING SEX BUYERS. Read encouraging progress and victories!
We can rescue victims and twice the amount will fill their spots the next day. We can arrest traffickers and pimps and more will fill the void. But stop the sex buyers putting cash in the pimps’ pockets… and the market will dry up.
In 2022, we saw incredible progress towards ending sexual exploitation! Read encouraging victories here!
Washington, DC (January 10, 2023) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) commends the sex trafficking survivors who have spoken out about their alleged abuse and
It’s a simple equation: no sex buyers = no sex trade.
Predatory pornography site Pornhub was recently booted off three major social media platforms after NCOSE shared evidence of Pornhub’s crimes and violations of platform policies.