Press Release: Effort Launched Against Playboy Club on NBC

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Effort Seeks To Make It Unprofitable For NBC To Exploit Women

Media Contact:
Lesley Bateman
813-849-0076 x106


Washington, DC (June 8, 2011) – NBC is contributing to the sexual objectification and exploitation of women and encouraging greater acceptance of pornography with its soon-to-be-aired series, “The Playboy Club,” according to The Coalition for the War on Illegal Pornography, which is launching a full-scale effort to stop the show from being profitable.

“Since the 50s, sleazy Hugh Hefner and his Playboy Magazine has pushed a philosophy which dictated that, to the “sophisticated man,” the female is a mere toy to be used, abused and discarded. That philosophy has inflicted unimaginable harm to our society, now documented by years of research. The harms of pornography include addiction of children and adults, violence against women, sexual trafficking, increased child pornography, destruction of marriages, and so much more, “ said Patrick A. Trueman, President of Morality in Media, the lead organization in the War on Illegal Pornography Coalition. &! nbsp;

“ Today – with the cooperation of NBC and the network’s use of the public airwaves – Playboy is poised to cause even more harm, this time bringing its sleaze directly into America’s living rooms. We don’t need NBC to pour more fuel to that fire,” he added.

Playboy, once equated with ‘soft-core’ pornography, distributes hardcore pornography on pay TV channels and the Internet.  Distribution of hardcore pornography can be prosecuted under federal and state obscenity laws, warned  Trueman, a former cheif of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, U.S. Department of Justice.

“NBC may have a license to use the public airwaves, but it abuses its privilege when it collaborates with hardcore pornographer Playboy and promotes the exploitation of women,” he added. “The Playboy Club and the Playboy philosophy must be stopped,” said Trueman.

He is encouraging citizens to sign the pledge at to make it unprofitable for NBC to exploit women. 

About Morality in Media

Morality in Media, Inc., is the leading national organization focused on opposing obscenity and indecency through public education and the application of the law. For more information visit and


The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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