Supreme Court Ruling on Indecency – FCC SHOULD STILL ENFORCE LAWS!
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued their decision in FCC v FOX concerning indecency regulations on broadcast TV. Here are a number of responses from
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued their decision in FCC v FOX concerning indecency regulations on broadcast TV. Here are a number of responses from
iVillage June 30, 2011 Two groups, Pink Cross Foundation and Morality in Media have started online petitions to shut the show down. Dawn Hawkins, executive director of Morality in Media, takes issue
Boston Pilot January 27, 2012 After nearly a decade of threats, fines and court challenges, America may finally learn for sure whether the federal government
Deseret News January 9, 2012 Morality in Media is calling on the Supreme Court to uphold the Federal Communications Commission’s standards for indecency and vulgarity