10 Reasons to Oppose Decriminalization of Sex Buying, Pimping, and Brothel Keeping
The movement to fully decriminalize sex buying, pimping, and brothel keeping is gaining momentum. It is imperative we know how to push back. via@ncose
The movement to fully decriminalize sex buying, pimping, and brothel keeping is gaining momentum. It is imperative we know how to push back. via@ncose
The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) fosters a safer and healthier environment for children online by mandating platforms 1) build child safety into the design of their products, 2) offer safeguards and tools to parents, 3) fulfill obligations of transparency and accountability.
For years, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation has advocated for common sense legislation to protect children online. Finally, momentum is growing for meaningful federal
National Center on Sexual Exploitation Urges Passage of Kids Online Safety Act and Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act WASHINGTON, DC (July 26, 2022) –
WASHINGTON, DC (July 13, 2022) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) supports the Speak Out Act (HR 8227) and the Stop Human Trafficking in
The NCOSE Law Center gets to be a part of developing the legal theories that will be the foundation for human trafficking cases in the future.
ALI proposed greater LENIENCY for sex buyers seeking CHILDREN for sex acts, an unfathomably out of touch and dangerous proposal.
Bumble is devotedly working to combat the unsolicited sending of sexual images – a form of online sexual harassment known as “cyberflashing.”
TikTok becoming known as a “hunting ground” for predators has not stopped its growth, and the platform has given predators easy access to groom, abuse, and traffic children.
This law clearly states that time is up for sexual assault and harassment perpetrators who commit their crimes while using public transportation.
This new law provides survivors an opportunity for financial independence and stability that can help end the cycle of exploitation.
Member States and the European Parliament must adopt policies criminalizing sex buying and providing services to prostituted people.