What Do We Know about Pornography Use among Women?
Research shows that in recent decades the increase in women’s pornography use has been dramatic.
Research shows that in recent decades the increase in women’s pornography use has been dramatic.
As technology advances, sex traffickers adopt and adapt new online capabilities to target and exploit victims and create “market” opportunities.
Without those who choose to buy other people for sex, there would be no prostitution and no sex trafficking.
The Last Girl First campaign culminated in a comprehensive, two-year long research report covering 49 countries, counting 15 testimonies of survivors of prostitution, and more than 400 references.
Scientists have been able to identify several addiction-related brain changes in individuals who feel their pornography use has gotten out of control.
Body Image, Depression, and Self-Perceived Pornography Addiction in Italian Gay and Bisexual Men: The Mediating Role of Relationship Satisfaction
Classification of compulsive sexual behavior as an addictive disorder might benefit clinicians, researchers, and suffering individuals.
“Ethical” pornography is an oxymoron—one of massive proportions. Here are four reasons why so-called ethical pornography is a myth.
Neuroscientists are now able to see functional and structural differences between those who consume porn vs. those who don’t.
The Josh Duggar case highlights the escalation of abuse and the interconnectedness of several forms of sexual exploitation.
A review of popular theory of addiction explaining why people with behavioral addictions persist despite negative consequences.
During Mental Illness Awareness Week, we recognize the harmful impacts of systems of prostitution, pornography, and trafficking on victims.