Podcast: A Diverse, Unified Future for NCOSE
Ep. 42 Dawn Hawkins reviews the mission, history, work, and vision of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.
Ep. 42 Dawn Hawkins reviews the mission, history, work, and vision of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.
“As CEO, Hawkins will provide steadfast leadership to the fight against sexual abuse and exploitation.”
Dawn Hawkins looks forward to realizing NCOSE’s grand goal and vision: a world free from all forms of sexual abuse and exploitation.
NCOSE, along with interdisciplinary survivors and advocates, has been advocating for improved responsibility and increased oversight by the financial industry regarding pornographic content since early 2020.
Regulated prostitution in Nevada facilitates sex trafficking, a form of slavery and involuntary servitude, violating the 13th Amendment.
We must shine a light on this often-overlooked population of indigenous peoples that is disproportionately affected by sexual exploitation.
During Mental Illness Awareness Week, we recognize the harmful impacts of systems of prostitution, pornography, and trafficking on victims.
Congress should find solutions to hold Big Tech accountable for protecting children, following testimony from a Facebook whistleblower.
Washington, DC (September 30, 2021) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) issued a statement reacting to today’s Senate hearing featuring Facebook’s global head of safety.
NCOSE Urges Facebook to Cancel Introduction Completely, Citing Health and Safety Concerns Washington, DC (September 27, 2021) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) welcomed Facebook’s decision
Washington, DC (September 23, 2021) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) is recognizing VidAngel, a streaming video company that “provides a way to skip or mute things
WASHINGTON, DC (September 13, 2021) – The National Center on Sexual Exploitation Law Center (NCOSE) and Jason Guinasso, an attorney with Hutchison & Steffen, PLLC, have filed