We are Winning the Battle Against Sexual Exploitation

With the American landscape awash in porn, strip clubs, and television indecency, have you ever wondered when we would hit rock bottom?  I have – in fact I think of it day after day and it motivates me to work hard day and night as Morality in Media’s president and CEO.

I think we’ve reached the bottom and we are bouncing back now!

I recently read an article from a leader in the porn industry warning pornographers that the tide has turned against them.

The author said “The industry is seeing attacks coming from multiple fronts — not only government representatives and regulators, but also from financial institutions and online corporate giants (Google) that were once only too happy to be doing business with the industry…”

He mentions us, Morality in Media, specifically and says the difference now is that more and more people are actually listening to us and that even the media is taking this issue much more seriously.

Then he even quotes from our material, explaining what many are coming to think about pornography: “Porn has recently been portrayed in the media as a ‘public health crisis in the US’ that is destroying relationships, the family, causing people to leave the church, sexualizing children… and leading to an increase in sexual violence against women and children.”

Well, we’re flattered!  But more importantly, WE’RE WINNING!  Oh, I don’t mean we will win this year, but we are winning the hearts and minds of person after person, family after family, community after community, and state after state.  The latest Gallup Poll says that only 31% of Americans say pornography use is morally ok (even those using the stuff regularly recognize that it is not moral).


We are seeing significant changes across the board in the last four years since Morality in Media dramatically increased its efforts and began to aggressively challenge all those supporting pornography in America. Google, Verizon, the United States Congress, the Department of Defense, Paypal, Groupon, BP Oil, Facebook, just to name a few, have changed course as a result of our efforts.

More importantly, in four years a literal tidal wave of people have joined the War on Pornography – and make no mistake about it, we are in a WAR for the very soul of our nation.  Pornography really is killing the spiritual lives of generations, destroying countless marriages, destroying childhoods of millions, devastating families, and wreaking havoc on the moral fabric of America.

Will you help sustain these efforts and help continue this surge of momentum?

Please do the following:4c81963882b32f9bc1b54f2bca699913

  1. Make a financial contribution to help these aggressive efforts going. This is not a cheap battle. We are working day and night and our coffers are depleted. Every dollar helps and goes right into the fight. Please consider a tax-deductible gift today.
  2. Take 5 actions in our Action Center today! We have more than 65 actions you can take right from you home in just a matter of minutes to help turn the tide on the pornographers. Please pick 5 and do them today!
  3. Ask your friends to join us in this battle. They can sign up here.

MIM_Pic_PatHeadshot_FINALMost Sincerely,
Patrick Trueman
President & CEO, Morality in Media and PornHarms.com

The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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