What is the Dirty Dozen List?

The Dirty Dozen List is an annual campaign calling out twelve mainstream entities for facilitating, enabling, and even profiting from sexual abuse and exploitation. Since its inception in 2013, the Dirty Dozen List has galvanized thousands of individuals like YOU to call on corporations, government agencies, and organizations to change problematic policies and practices. This campaign has yielded major victories at Google, Netflix, TikTok, Hilton Worldwide, Verizon, Walmart, US Department of Defense, and many more.

2024 Dirty Dozen List

The List


Apple’s record is rotten when it comes to child protection. This Big Tech titan refuses to scan for child sex abuse material, hosts dangerous apps with deceptive age ratings and descriptions, and won’t default safety features for teens.

Cash App

“Do more with your money” shouldn’t apply to buying sex and paying for abusive content. This peer-to-peer payment app appeals to pimps, predators, and pedophiles looking for a covert way to conduct criminal activity.

CDA Section 230

The Greatest Enabler of Online Sexual Exploitation. Misinterpretations of Communications Decency Act Section 230 grant Big Tech blanket immunity for any and all types of abuses they facilitate. Until we amend CDA 230, corporations can’t be held accountable!


Providing a platform for sex buyers and traffickers. Cloudflare says it wants to build a better internet. So why does it provide services to some of the most prolific prostitution forums and deepfake sites?


Discord’s a hotspot for dangerous interactions and deepfakes. This platform is popular with predators seeking to groom kids and with creeps looking to create, trade, or find sexually abusive content of children and unsuspecting adults.


The world’s largest professional network is an amateur when it comes to stemming sexual exploitation. LinkedIn legitimizes Pornhub and other exploitative enterprises by giving them a platform, overlooks deepfake tool promotion, and is rampant with sexual harassment against women.


 “Moving fast” and making money at all costs leaves children to pay the price. Meta’s launch of end-to-end encryption, open-sourced AI, and virtual reality are unleashing new worlds of exploitation, while its brands continue to rank among the most dangerous for kids.

Microsoft's Github

Microsoft’s GitHub is the global hub for creating sexually exploitative AI tech. The vast majority of deepfakes, “nudify” apps, and AI-generated child sex abuse content originate on this platform owned by the world’s richest company. #deepfakehub


Reddit is riddled with sexploitation. Child sex abuse material, sex trafficking, and image-based sexual abuse hide in plain sight among endless pornography subreddits allowed on this platform…content which will be further monetized if Reddit succeeds in going public.


Roblox treats child protection like a game. Among the avatars, blocks, and buildings, kids are exposed to predators, rape-themed games, and age-inappropriate content like sex parties.


Music Porn for everyone.” Sexually explicit images, sadistic content, and networks trading child sex abuse material on its platform prove Spotify is out of tune with basic child safety measures and moderation practices.


Known as the “dark web alternative,” Telegram unleashes a new era of exploitation. Messaging app Telegram serves as a safe haven for criminal communities across the globe. Sexual torture rings, sextortion gangs, deepfake bots, and more all thrive on an alarming scale.

Watch List:


Where a child’s life can change forever in a snap. Content on Snapchat may be fleeting, but the impact of sextortion, grooming, and child sex abuse can last a lifetime. This app is dangerous by its very design.

Share Your Story

Your voice—your story—matters.

It can be painful to share stories of sexual exploitation or harm, and sometimes it’s useful to focus on personal healing first. But for many, sharing their past or current experiences may be a restorative and liberating process.

This is a place for those who want to express their story.

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