How a Dirty Dozen Victory Helps You and Your Family To Be Safe These Holidays

Our mission is to oppose sexual exploitation and defend human dignity.

To fulfill our mission, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) specifically targets 12 corporate and government agencies every year. These 12 organizations, called the Dirty Dozen, are identified by NCOSE to be leading contributors of sexual exploitation, whether it’s pornography, sex trafficking, violence against women, prostitution, etc.

NCOSE then works with and pressures these 12 organizations to change their policies and directly improve the safety and lives of others.

In one of our most recent Dirty Dozen victories, Hilton Worldwide agreed to remove pornography from every Hilton-branded and Hilton-managed hotel in the world.

This is how it happened:

Over many days in the Fall of 2013, we deliberated for hours in our meeting room to identify 12 leaders of sexual exploitation. Hilton seemed an obvious target because of its size and its active support and participation in the sex industry through its porn-filled pay-per-view offerings in hotel rooms around the world.

It took two years targeting Hilton officials to bring about the 2015 August victory. Thousands of our supporters went to the Dirty Dozen Hilton web page and used the contact form to tell Hilton to stop promoting pornography. Finally, in a May 2015 personal meeting with a top Hilton executive, we were told the company was contemplating a change in policy. We left hopeful.

Hilton is a leader in the fight against sex trafficking. All its hotel employees are trained to spot suspected visitors involved in sex trafficking and told how to respond. We believe that in the end Hilton found it incongruous to fight the sexual exploitation of trafficking and promote the sexual exploitation of pornography. They officially changed their policy in August 2015.

On the heels of this victory we contacted Hyatt Hotel’s top executives, hoping for a similar response. In only six weeks Hyatt also made the change!

This shows there is hope in the fight against sexual exploitation! Our supporters made these two victories happen.

If it weren’t for you, we would not have the ability to win on our own.

We want to give a big thanks to all of our supporters. With your help supporting our efforts, your family is now a bit safer these holidays!

And while you are traveling for the holidays, we at NCOSE are preparing the 2016 Dirty Dozen List.

This is why our CauseVox campaign is so important at this time. Identifying the 2016 Dirty Dozen candidates is a long and arduous process and we need your help! Your financial support enables us getting into those boardrooms and making real-life policy changes happen!

To help make these policy changes happen, we ask for your financial support.

To fight pornography and sexual exploitation and help prepare for the 2016 Dirty Dozen list, click here to donate.

We are a passionate team that is committed to our mission. We have a long way to go with high-reaching goals, but we believe we will achieve them.

Thank you for your support!

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The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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