Meet Our Fall 2016 Interns

We have absolutely loved getting to know our Fall 2016 interns, and we want to give you the opportunity to get to know them too!

You can learn more about our Sexual Justice Advocate Internship Program here.

Madison Darling

madisonMadison Darling is a soon to be graduate at the University of Alabama School of Social Work.   Madison joined NCOSE as a fall 2016 intern after working as the education coordinator for Blanket Hope, an Alabama nonprofit working to end domestic minor sex trafficking. Prior to arriving at NCOSE, Madison coordinated with a variety of anti- trafficking partners to host educational events.  She served as the guest speaker for the webinar on the economics of sex trafficking in Spring 2016.  Additional work included creating the Tattoo Parlor Intervention Program, a program educating tattoo parlor employees on trafficking awareness and warning signs.  She also developed the Blanket Fort Hope educational curriculum and coordinated multiple inter-disciplinary workshops on Minor Domestic Sex Trafficking. Madison discovered the NCOSE internship after volunteering at the 2015 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Summit (CESE) Summit.

Madison says, “I am passionate about connecting and facilitating collaboration between organizations and individuals in the movement to affect change. An individual is powerful, but a coalition of hard-working, like-passionate people is an unstoppable force.  I enjoyed getting to know the other interns and gaining the skills to run my own nonprofit one day. My favorite memory at NCOSE was working at the registration desk at the CESE Summit and the small ways I helped build and fuel the anti – sexploitation movement.  And teasing fellow intern, Emma, after she fell asleep in post summit Holy Yoga, was pretty awesome too.”


Emily Wade

emilywadeEmily Ann Wade is a Brigham Young University junior from St. George, Utah. She is pursuing a degree in political science with a minor in civil engagement leadership. In her leisure time, Emily enjoys traveling, biking, meaningful conversations, and reading anything by C.S. Lewis. She comes to NCOSE from a study abroad experience in Jerusalem. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, Emily is passionate about showing the link between pornography and all other forms of sexual exploitation.  She truly believes that there is hope – for both survivors and addicts – to rise above and find healing, hope, and health as these issues are exposed, discussed, and actively fought against. Emily is engaged to be married in March 2017 and plans to attend law school in the fall of 2018.

Emily says, “I enjoyed working with such a dedicated, passionate staff who fights for human dignity. My favorite memory interning at NCOSE was the CESE Summit in Houston. I was inspired to witness hundreds of people coming together, from all over the world, to fight sexual exploitation. I also felt empowered as survivors shared their stories, organizations showcased their success, and progress was clearly made in the movement.”


Essen Skabelund

essenEssen Skabelund is a senior at Brigham Young University. She is studying Family Studies and Civic Engagement Leadership. She has a deep appreciation for history and culture and has a dream of using art and dance as therapy for youth. Prior to joining NCOSE as an intern, Essen became interested in advocating for justice for the sexually exploited while volunteering for eighteen months in Japan. It was there that she first saw the negative effects of pornographic media on society. She plans to continue working to strengthen individuals and families in their needs and loves working on public health and policy issues at NCOSE. As a student, Essen enjoys rock-climbing, mochi ice cream, interesting conversations, and staying up-to-date on current social issues. In the future, Essen plans to pursue a graduate degree in social work.

Essen says, “My favorite thing while interning at NCOSE has been sitting in staff meetings with the full-time staff. I’ve enjoyed seeing their leadership and observing how they carry out action plans.  Seeing the passion and commitment of the staff made me realize the importance of our work. The highlight during the past few months was the CESE Summit in Houston and seeing how our organization was guiding the movement.”


Emma Sims

emmaEmma Sims is a graduate student at Marymount University in Arlington. She is studying forensic psychology.  Her experiences as a research assistant in undergraduate studies fueled her interest in the field of sexual exploitation.  Emma believes that every human being should be treated with the same amount of dignity and respect, regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, or age.  This belief in the meaning of every human life prompted her to apply for the NCOSE internship. Emma believes that this organization can change the way society thinks about prostitution, pornography, and trafficking and create a mindset where one human being is not worth more than another. She plans to pursue further research opportunities in the future.

About her time interning, Emma says, “My favorite memory while being at NCOSE has been the friendships I have made. I could not have asked for a better group of people to work alongside. The passion that everyone has here to end sexual exploitation is very encouraging, and I am so thankful that I was able to be a part of this movement through working here. I also thought going out on a sailboat for a whole day with the staff was amazing!”


Austin Fausnaught

austinAustin Fausnaught is a Brigham Young University senior majoring in sociology. At Brigham Young, he was a member of BYU Access, where he mentors one child weekly   He joins the NCOSE internship after working with the Citizens for Decency in Idaho, a member of the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation. Austin has also assisted Vauna Davis, the executive director of the Utah Coalition Against Pornography in establishing a millennial based advocacy group.  He first became passionate about the issue of pornography after recognizing how early exposure to sexually explicit materials impacted his life. When not working, Austin, enjoys snowboarding, hiking, camping, rock climbing, and skydiving.  He plans to pursue legislative work and obtaining his own sky diving license in the future.

About his time with NCOSE, Austin says, “It has been incredibly inspiring and eye opening to see all the work NCOSE gets done with such a limited budget. It’s great working with people who are highly motivated for a cause that is worthwhile. It makes me feel good that I am a part of a cause making a difference.”


Anna Foresee

annaAnna Foresee is a senior at Auburn University. She is pursuing a degree in Biology and Psychology.  Anna served on the human trafficking task force in her hometown of Montgomery, Alabama, prior to interning at NOCSE. She also worked with Rescue Her, an anti – trafficking organization in Texas. Her work in Texas connected the dots in the role pornography plays in sex trafficking.  Anna has enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the harmful effects of pornography on society while interning with NCOSE. In her leisure time, she enjoys reading biographies, traveling, and photography. In the future, Anna plans to pursue a graduate degree in clinical psychology.

Anna says, “I enjoyed working with such a passionate staff and amazing group of fellow interns. It was so inspiring witnessing the staff using their talents to fight so tirelessly and courageously for the dignity of others. My favorite memory while at NCOSE was at the CESE Summit in Houston and learning about all the various partners involved in the movement. Witnessing our organization guide such an important movement was exciting, and I can’t wait to see the positive ways NCOSE impacts the world in the future.’”

The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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