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Op-ed: Heinz’s “Food Porn” Ads Fund Sex Trafficking and Child Abuse Porn


Originally published on

The global companies, Kraft Heinz and Unilever, recently came under fire for advertising on Pornhub – a large, sexually exploitive, pornography site that normalized themes of racism, incest, and violence against women.

Unilever ran an advertisement for its brand, the Dollar Shave Club. The ad read: “If you use our bathroom products you won’t have to visit this site as much.”

Heinz ran an even larger advertisement by taking over the homepage of the pornography website for an entire day and running a “#FoodPorn” campaign for its Devour frozen meal products.

Why does this matter?

When mainstream companies normalize or partner with the pornography industry they tacitly endorse and fund the sexually exploitive content and messages that the pornography industry produces.

When mainstream companies normalize or partner with the pornography industry they tacitly endorse and fund the sexually exploitive content and messages that the pornography industry produces. @KraftHeinzCo Share on X

Read the full article here


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