2014 WRAP Week Events

Here, you can access all the free events we hosted during the 2014 celebration of WRAP Week.

These online events include testimony from a sex trafficking survivor and webinars on Internet safety for families, information for parents on how they can address the issue of pornography with their children and many more. These event videos are available to the public for free.

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What’s Porn Got To Do With Sex Trafficking?:

A survivor explains

Grounded in rigorous academic research and the first-hand perspective of Anna Malika, a survivor of sex trafficking and pornography, this webinar outlines how pornography both creates demand and fuels the sex industry as well as how the production of pornography is often itself rape. Combating pornography is essential to eliminating sex trafficking and will have practical tips on how to do this effectively.

How YOU can stand up against exploitation! Lessons from others fighting for dignity in their communities

Hear from others around the country who are motivating change in their communities!

Our Executive Director, Dawn Hawkins, spoke up on a flight when someone watched violent, psuedo-child pornography and now all but one commercial airline in America have policies prohibiting pornography.

A concerned mother and family therapist in Birmingham put up billboards in the city to highlight the links between sex trafficking and porn. It led to a free community concert where the mayor spoke about the problems of sexual exploitation in the city.

One grandmother in Utah bought all of the pornographic t-shirts from PacSun when they refused to remove them from the front mall display where little kids were walking by. The media had a field day and the store removed the t-shirts altogether in that town.

10 Ways to Immunize Your Kids Against Pornography

This webinar with Kristen A. Jenson, founder of Porn Proof Kids, and Dr. Gail A. Poyner, co-authors of Good Pictures Bad Pictures, helps parents understand how to teach their young kids what pornography is, why it’s dangerous and how to reject it using the 5-point CAN DO plan. A disturbing number of young children are being exposed to pornography without an understanding of how it damages their developing minds. The only way for kids to stay safe in the digital age is to install their own internal filter—we’ll show parents how to empower their kids against the predators of the porn industry.

Benefits of warning kids about pornography as soon as they have access to the Internet–minimizes shock factor, reduces shame, empowers kids to recognize and reject it immediately.

Getting Smart Media & Anti-porn messages in Schools

What kids really need are skills for surviving this lightening-fast, highly-sexualized, 360-degree media world! Kids need to learn early, how to evaluate what they see. They need to know what to do when they encounter bad media. They need to learn to make smart and safe choices online. That’s what White Ribbon Week is all about!

Join Deanna Lambson, founder of White Ribbon Week, and her staff for a valuable webinar about fun and empowering White Ribbon week themes. Learn persuasive statistics to share with principals and PTAs. YOU can give these crucial tools to hundreds of kids! We can’t afford to wait!

Preparing for the Inevitable: Your Kids and Pornography Exposure

It is inevitable, ALL of our children will be exposed to online pornography. With the tidal wave of internet enabled devices and mobile tools, it is impossible to protect your child from every experience outside of your home.

Dina Alexander, founder and president of Educate and Empower Kids, teaches you to prepare your child for these negative experiences with simple, strait forward discussions–the earlier, the better.

Activism Then and Now: Lessons from the Abolitionist Movement that we can use now in the fight to end sexual exploitation

Matthew Mason, an associate professor of history at Brigham Young University, will discuss how the history of abolition teaches us to hope and how lessons from their fight can aid our efforts to curb sexual slavery today. He will address what the abolitionists in the U.S. and elsewhere were up against and give a perspective on their achievement.  He will then talk about how they were able to achieve that and what modern activists can learn from that.

Historians Against Slavery is a group of scholars who bring historical context and scholarship to the modern-day antislavery movement in order to inform activism and develop collaborations to sustain and enhance such efforts.


The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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Survivor Lawsuit Against Twitter Moves to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Survivors’ $12.7M Victory Over Explicit Website a Beacon of Hope for Other Survivors

Instagram Makes Positive Safety Changes via Improved Reporting and Direct Message Tools

Sharing experiences may be a restorative and liberating process. This is a place for those who want to express their story.

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