At the 2014 Summit for the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE), Dr. Gail Dines gave this keynote address. She discussed how pop culture industries, from Internet pornography to MTV, bombard society with sexualized images of ideal women and men, and convey powerful messages that help shape our sexuality while promoting inequality and a rape culture.
Dr. Dines is Co-founder and President of Stop Porn Culture and is a professor of sociology and women’s studies at Wheelock College.
Sex, Identity, and Intimacy in a Porn Culture – Gail Dines, Ph.D. from Pornography Harms on Vimeo.
The Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) is focused on bringing a variety of people together to solve and end the complex social issue of sexual exploitation and its associated companion – pornography. In order to do this, it unites the efforts of like-minded organizations and leaders across the world in a loose coalition. As of September, 2014 there are 280 national, state and local organizations in the Coalition.
Get details and registration information for the next Summit here