Article originally posted here:
By: Brandi Kruse
A Seattle mother told a neighborhood blog Tuesday that her young daughter saw a man watching “hardcore pornography” at a Lake City library, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Julie Howe told Lake City Live that she asked the librarian to move the man to a more discreet location.
“She could see the screen from the information desk where we were standing and was sympathetic, but said that the library doesn’t censor content and they can’t be in the business of monitoring what their patrons are doing at any given computer,” Howe told the blog in an email. “I then asked the man to please move to another computer. He declined.”
Spokesperson Andra Addison said Seattle Public Library has had a policy of unfiltered internet access since 2001 to protect a visitor’s constitutions rights.
“We don’t censor. We’re not in the business of being censors,” Addison said. “We’re really in the business of facilitating access to information. People have a right to access information in a confidential way without scrutiny. So, we don’t look at what people are viewing on their computers.”
Addison said they make every effort to avoid inadvertent viewing of such material by filtering content on computers in children’s sections of the library and installing privacy screens.
Article originally posted here: