Yes, Homeschoolers Struggle With Pornography Too [VIDEO]

Is porn a problem in the homeschool community? Yes.

One day the Internet filter wasn’t turned on. This opened the door to his five year struggle with pornography addiction.

Some people assume that homeschooling, or being involved parents, will automatically shelter their children from pornography. However, homeschool children struggle with pornography just like everyone else.

Thaddeus shares how he hid his struggle with pornography from his family out of guilt and the fear of disappointing them. It drove a wedge into his relationship with his siblings and his parents.

Parenting Tips: talk to your children about pornography. They will learn about these topics with or without you, and it only instills secrecy if you don’t have these tough conversations.

Tips for Porn Recovery: Open up and talk to someone about it, whether it’s a trusted parents, mentor, or friend. Consider getting an internet filter, or limiting your time online. Remember, you’re not alone.

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