Americans Call on WE tv to Stop ‘Sex Box’

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Pro-Family Groups Deliver Over 38,000 Signatures from National Petition to WE tv President

LOS ANGELES – In a letter to WE tv President, Marc Juris, the Parents Television Council (PYC), One Million Moms, and the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCSE) presented the names of over 38,000 people who have signed petitions calling on WE tv to reconsider plans to debut its live sex show, Sex Box, this Friday, February 27.

Excerpts from the joint letter signed by PTC President, Tim Winter, One Million Moms Director, Monica Cole, and NCSE Executive Director, Dawn Hawkins are as follows:

“We are writing today on behalf of combined membership of the Parents Television Council, One Million Moms, and the National Center on Sexual Exploitation to urge you to reconsider plans to debut Sex Box on WE tv this coming Friday. Attached are the names of tens of thousands of Americans who believe that WE tv is going too far in televising what amounts to little more than a live sex show on advertiser-supported basic cable; and in forcing every cable subscriber in America to underwrite it.

“If you will not remove the program from your schedule, it is only right that you should refund to every cable subscriber in America who doesn’t want to pay for such programming, the portion of their cable bill that goes to WE tv.

“Most cable subscribers do not elect to bring WE tv into their homes, let alone Sex Box. It is forced on us as part of the cable bundle. It is fundamentally unfair to force cable subscribers to pay for content that offends their sensibilities and violates their conscience just so they can have access to the channels and content they do want to watch. Yes, we can change the channel. Yes, we can even block the channel. But at the end of the day, a portion of our cable bill is still going to underwrite Sex Box. And that’s wrong.

“We understand that We tv is urging viewers to watch before rushing to judgment. We assure you, those who have signed the petitions to ‘Stop Sex Box’ already know that asking couples to have sex inside a box on a stage in front of a live studio audience is not, at the end of the day, about helping those relationships. It’s about pandering to the lowest common denominator, it’s about pushing the envelope to see what you can get away with, and it’s about, as you yourself said, breaking through the clutter with gimmicks and prurience so that viewers will turn on WE tv, rather than one of your competitors.

“Below are just some of the comments left by those concerned individuals who signed our petition. We will also be sharing these comments and concerns with top TV sponsors and urging them to consider whether they want to risk their reputation and brand equity through association with content that so many Americans find so offensive.”

To learn more about this campaign, visit NCSE’s blog here.

About These Groups

The Parents Television Council® ( is a non-partisan education organization advocating responsible entertainment. It was founded in 1995 to ensure that children are not constantly assaulted by sex, violence and profanity on television and in other media. This national grassroots organization has more than 1.3 million members and 57 chapters across the United States, and works with television producers, broadcasters, networks and sponsors in an effort to stem the flow of harmful and negative messages targeted to children. The PTC™ also works with elected and appointed government officials to enforce broadcast decency standards. Most importantly, the PTC produces critical research and publications documenting the dramatic increase in sex, violence and profanity in entertainment. This information is provided free of charge so parents can make informed viewing choices for their own families. Visit the new PTC Watchdog Blog at Follow the PTC on Twitter: @ThePTC. is an online project of American Family Association, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, conservative, pro-family organization based in Tupelo, Mississippi. AFA has been in existence for over 35 years and is a well-respected member of the pro-life and pro-family community. AFA exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to reflect Biblical truth.

Founded in 1962, National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCSE), formerly Morality in Media (MIM), is the leading national organization dedicated to opposing pornography by highlighting the links to sex trafficking, violence against women, child abuse, and addiction. The organization changed its name to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation early in 2015 to better describe the scope and mission to expose the seamless connection between all forms of sexual exploitation.


Sign the petition here!

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The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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