I am excited to say that WRAP Week has begun! The National White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) Week brings together hundreds of national, state and local groups, along with concerned citizens in a massive effort to educate the public on the harms from pornography and the many resources available to aid those affected.

WRAP Week has been around since 1987, and we have seen so many succesful awareness campaigns as a result! From hosting PTA seminars, church meetings, distributing educational materials, and posting on social media, every event and individual action can make a difference.

Free Online Webinars

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation will be hosting several free webinars later this week:Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Topics will include, how to be a better advocate in your community, how to answer common pro-porn arguments, and more!
Visit endsexualexploitation.org/wrap/ to learn more.

Talk To Your Kids This Week

The average age that children are first exposed to pornography is 11 years old, and some experts are now saying that it could be as young as 8 or 9.
EducateEmpowerKids has some great resources to help you talk to children in an age-appropriate manner about these issues. They offer lesson plans for children ages 8-11 and for ages 12+.These tools can help you talk to your child about what porn is, how some adults may use it to aid in child abuse, and what to do if they are exposed to pornography.
Feel free to share these resources with other parents. Consider having a meeting to discuss incorporating tools like these into your school or church educational system.
Take Action This Week!
White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) Week is the perfect time to take a stand, whether on a national, state, or local level.

If you’re looking for a way to make a difference this week, check out these two actions:

  • American Library Association
    For years, the American Library Association (ALA) has encouraged public libraries to keep all computers unfiltered and to allow patrons, including children, access to pornography. As a result, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, exhibitionism, stalking and other lewd behavior takes place in libraries across the country.
    Write your elected officials to ask that they make our libraries safe.
    Also, please let us know of your experiences with Internet filters (or the lack thereof) at your public library and if your library carries sexually obscene young adult literature. Email:public@ncose.com.
  • Verizon
    Verizon profits from sexual exploitation by pushing porn into homes through multiple avenues, including pay-per-view movies on their FIOS TV, as an Internet service provider, and as a wireless carrier. They have even defended child-themed, incest-themed, and trafficking-themed pornography as a benefit to their consumers. Write to Verizon and ask them to change their policy to stop selling porn.

WRAP Week Success

  • Maryland: Maryland Governor, Larry Hogan, signed a proclamation designating Oct. 25-Nov. 1 as Pornography Awareness and White Ribbon Against Pornography (W.R.A.P.) Week. In addition to this, the Maryland Coalition Against Pornography conducted radio interviews to raise awareness about WRAP Week and the harms of pornography.
  • Oregon: Right before WRAP Week, Cedar Mill Bible church hosted a conference entitled Parenting for Purity in the 21st Century where parents learned about the importance of talking to their children about pornography.
  • Minnesota: The Catholic Daughter’s of Crookston, Euclid and Gentilly MN are raising awareness by wearing white ribbons this week.
  • Nebraska: Governor Pete Ricketts and Columbus Mayor Mike Moser both signed proclamations designating Oct. 25-Nov. 1 as Pornography Awareness and White Ribbon Against Pornography (W.R.A.P.) Week. In addition to this, for the third consecutive year ananti-pornography billboard has been raised in Bellevue Nebraska.
  • …And More! We have too many successful WRAP campaigns to brag about! We love it!
Tell Us What You’re Doing for WRAP Week!
Please email us at public@ncose.com to let us know what WRAP Week activities are going on in your communities. We would love to share your successes and your creative ideas to help inspire and encourage others!
Please also use #WRAPWeek on any social media posts you make about the harms of pornography this week.

The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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