2024 CESE Summit Examines Intersection of Emerging Tech & Sexual Exploitation

The 2024 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation is happening on August 5-8 in Washington, DC. While the exponential growth of technology has created opportunities that would have seemed impossible just years ago, there are also serious dangers. This year’s theme is “The Great Collision: Emerging Tech, Sexual Exploitation, and the Ongoing Pursuit of Dignity.”  

In our world, shaped by insatiable profit-hunger, we must work together to maintain human dignity in the face of rapid technological advancement.  

Co-hosted by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and the PHASE Alliance, the #CESESummit will connect survivors, parents, academics, advocates, technologists, government officials, and hopefully, YOU.  

Come learn about how technological innovation has reshaped the battlefield in our ongoing fight, and how we can use emerging tech for GOOD rather than for harm. We are not only offering information; we will be providing concrete, actionable takeaways.

Join us to shape a human-centered future for all.  

Come Learn from Expert Speakers!  

Here are some of the leaders in our fight that will be speaking at the 8th #CESESummit: 

Elizabeth Smart, survivor, author, and advocate, was abducted at the age of 14. She was held captive for nine months and subjected to torturous conditions. The story of her abduction became one of the most followed abduction stories of our time. Having survived this harrowing experience, Smart has now become a highly influential advocate for child safety and recovery programs, helping to promote the international AMBER Alert system, the Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety Act and other safety legislation to prevent abductions. She is the founder of the Elizabeth Smart Foundation and the co-founder of the PHASE Alliance.

“When you are faced with a trial, don’t give up, don’t surrender. Move forward because you’ll never know the lives you’ll be able to touch.”

Elizabeth Smart

Frances Haugen, a Facebook Whistleblower, will be joining us virtually. Haugen filed a series of complaints with the US Federal Government relating to Facebook (Meta), disclosing the company’s internal documents, and demonstrating how Facebook has been misleading the public on the harmful impact its products have on children. Haugen’s courageous actions catalyzed a series of hearing in which Congress grilled Facebook’s executives, as well as a Wall Street Journal investigative series.  

“Facebook, over and over again, chose to optimize for its own interest, like making more money.”

Frances Haugen

Tim Estes, Founder and CEO of Angel AI, is on a mission to leverage emerging technology to better humankind. He emphasizes the importance of utilizing our technology to build up all of humanity instead of enriching or empowering a few. Estes founded Digital Reasoning in college and has been the CEO throughout most of its development. He led software talent daily to take on the most interesting and important problems facing our society. Digital Reasoning has built automated software to work effectively with Big Tech.  His new project, Angel AI, has attracted over $100 million in investments and a global clientele.   

“For far too long, we have allowed children to be exploited online by multi-billion dollar Tech Companies that designed their products to addict and monetize kids but too poorly to protect their safety.”

Tim Estes

Michelle DeLaune is the President and CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). Through her eight years serving as the CEO of NCMEC, she has witnessed the evolving threats that face our children. NCMEC has embraced new technology as tools to help them with their mission. DeLaune represents NCMEC in congress and high-level events around the world.  Her organization is the nation’s largest and most influential child protection organization.

“Technology has dramatically simplified the ability of offenders to target children. At the same time, technology has enhanced the ability of law enforcement to detect these crimes.”

Michelle DeLaune

A Special Performance from Survivor Dance Group 

Ballet After Dark is a nonprofit based in Baltimore. Their mission is to use performing arts, holistic resources, and somatic interventions to help “Black and Brown girls and youth impacted by sexual violence and various traumas.” They will be performing at our 8th #CESESummit and we are so excited to be able to watch their experiences that have been transformed into dance.  

“Our mission is to provide somatic interventions, trauma informed care, dance therapy and holistic resources to encourage black youth and women to heal their bodies. We help survivors reprocess, rebuild and reclaim relationships with their bodies.”

Ballet After Dark

You can see more of our speakers and other event details here.

What Others Have Said About the CESE Summit

“Best conference of my life.”

“For someone looking to be involved in the fight for human dignity and the abolition of the sexual exploitation industry, this is THE one event you most certainly CANNOT afford to miss.

“The CESE Summit will break your heart and then put it back together sealed with hope for a better future.”

“The best of the best on issues of sexual exploitation. You experience every emotion possible, in the best way.”

“The CESE Summit is a premier event to be informed, educated, and equipped to effectively combat sexual exploitation. You will network and learn from the best in the global movement.”

The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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Survivor Lawsuit Against Twitter Moves to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Survivors’ $12.7M Victory Over Explicit Website a Beacon of Hope for Other Survivors

Instagram Makes Positive Safety Changes via Improved Reporting and Direct Message Tools

Sharing experiences may be a restorative and liberating process. This is a place for those who want to express their story.

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The 2024 CESE Global Summit Starts In...


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