John* was an A+ student. He loved playing baseball with his younger brother and he had a good relationship with his parents who did everything they could to raise him well and instill him with the right values.
Also, John was 11 years old when he was exposed to pornography.
He was first exposed to pornography because of social media. Although John’s parents didn’t let him have social media, he had a friend with the most popular apps for young tweens and teens and one day on the school bus an errant click exposed both boys to graphic, sexually violent content.
Tragically, it led John to nearly a decade of struggling with pornography addiction and its consequences on his neurological development, mental health, and his ability to maintain healthy relationships.
John’s parents had done everything they could to keep him safe online. But as soon as John entered into the digital space, corporations with policies bent towards profits instead of online safety made their damaging impact anyway.
How much is a childhood free from pornography and sexual exploitation worth to you and your family? Right now we have an important opportunity for you that could be a game changer in strengthening our ability to end exploitation:
An exceedingly generous couple has seen the victories from the National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s work to change policies that exploit, equip the public to be safer and better informed, and lead the movement of advocates working on these issues. This couple believes in the importance of our cause so much that they’ve offered a matching grant of $3 million to fund and grow the work!
That means that any donation you give today will be automatically doubled in value!
This momentum is thrilling and, if we are able to match the $3 million within the next year, it will have a profound and direct impact on boys like John.
In 2019 alone, we have had tremendous progress in our efforts to push back against the social toxin of pornography. There is no other national organization with a track record like ours for getting results in the culture war about pornography.
Thanks to your support, as of December 2019, 15 states have now passed our resolutions on the public health harms of pornography. The NCOSE-authored resolution declaring pornography to be a public health crisis has passed nearly unanimously in Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia. As more efforts are underway to do the same in other states, NCOSE’s Law Center has drafted more model legislation to help to build on this momentum to combat pornography!
Imagine how different John’s life would have been if he had friends and family who recognized that pornography has public health impacts. It could have given him quicker access to therapy and recovery programs to break his addiction and to mitigate its damages to his relationships.
We need your help to expand on this progress!
Through your matched gift we will be able to significantly increase the number of states we can add to this list.
We are already working in a half-dozen MORE states that are considering declaring pornography a public health crisis and we need your support to print and distribute research booklets, to travel to testify at hearings, to push the research into the mainstream media and more. We need your help to change minds, policies, and our culture on the question of pornography.
Are you with us?
*Name changed to protect the innocent