One of the ways we’ve seen our movement grow astronomically is through social media. In today’s ever-connected world, access to thousands of activists across the globe is available at our fingertips. That’s why many of our campaigns focus on taking action on social media.
Actions as simple as a single tweet can quickly multiply through sharing and reach tens of thousand of people. It’s the perfect way to get our message out.
If you aren’t already, be sure to follow us on social media! There you’ll be able to find exclusive content from our organization you won’t find anywhere else.
For example, next week we’ll be running one of our biggest social media campaigns of the year: Tackle Demand. Tackle Demand aims to raise awareness about sex trafficking that takes place during the Super Bowl. Through a simple hashtag (#TackleDemand), we can reach thousands of people. But we need your help!
Here are three quick actions you can take to raise awareness about this issue:
1. Follow us on social media and join us next week for #TackleDemand
2. Post about #TackleDemand next week and share our #TackleDemand posts
3. Share the research/facts from our #TackleDemand webpage with others