College promotes porn, torture sex and sexual violence
Washington, DC –On Sunday, November 2, 2014, Harvard launched its Sex Week, which predictably will lead to more, not less, sexual problems and harassment.
“With the rise of sexual assault on college campuses one might think that the smart folks at Harvard would avoid promoting porn and violent sexual practices because these are at the root of sexual assault,” said Dawn Hawkins, executive director of Morality in Media. “Yet, Harvard, like all schools conducting sex week events, can’t see the forest for the trees and is promoting sexual violence while pretending to teach proper sex,” she added.
Harvard has invited porn producers and sex toy storeowners to speak without covering any of the well-known harms of pornography and sexual exploitation. MIM maintains an extensive research site,, that contains numerous peer-reviewed research articles demonstrating that pornography teaches violence against women, destroys relationships and marriages, increases demand for prostituted and trafficked women and children, sexualizes children and increases demand for child pornography.
One particular workshop includes instruction on how to perform anal sex, which is portrayed in most popular porn videos today despite the long list of dangers associated with such activity. Another workshop encourages students to engage in violent, torture sex and gives them lessons on how to do it.
“Harvard is clearly not serious about stopping rape and sexual harassment on their campus if they are promoting an environment where porn, torture sex and risky behaviors are encouraged,” Hawkins said.
Founded in 1962, Morality in Media, Inc. is the leading national non-profit organization dedicated to opposing pornography through education about its harms by highlighting the links to sex trafficking, violence against women, child abuse and obsessive use of porn.