Patrick Trueman, president and CEO of Morality In Media, discusses some of the existing laws, recent Supreme Court rulings and what can be done to stop increasing pornography and indecency on the public airways with Parents Television Councils director of Public Policy, Dan Isett.
This event was filmed as a livestream event on 11/1/2012 as part of 25th annual White Ribbon Against Pornography Week. Morality In Media worked with other organizations to put on 30 free online events to educate people about pornography, its harms and what can be done.
Sorry for the static! It’s from the air vent behind them.
The PTC aims to provide parents with the tools they need to make informed television viewing decisions. We do this by monitoring primetime television shows on broadcast TV and reviewing many PG and G rated movies. We log all content that could be considered questionable by parents and we give them traffic light ratings according to the amount of sex, violence, and profanity incorporated into the series or film.
We also write a short summary of the series or film and list specific content examples to let parents know what they can expect when viewing the show or movie with their children. However, our traffic light ratings are not meant to take the place of the parents’ discretion. Each parent should carefully evaluate the content of the program and decide for his/her own family what is suitable and what is not. We just hope to help make those decisions by acting as a quick reference or guide. Our Family Guide to Primetime Television also helps serve as a quick reference for “what’s on TV tonight?” and our PTC Picks will list some more options including cable television shows for every day of the week.