If Instagram can restrict diet products, they can stop child sexual exploitation – Collective Shout

Originally posted by Collective Shout

Instagram and Facebook have announced a crack down on advertisements for diet and cosmetic surgery products. The measures include age restrictions on who can see the advertising.

While we welcome this news, we question why Instagram hasn’t taken any proactive measures against the proliferation of child sexual exploitation on their platform. We recently wrote about the sexual exploitation of girls on Instagram under the guise of ‘child modelling.’

Collective Shout’s Caitlin Roper raised the issue of sexual exploitation with 10 Daily when asked to comment on the new diet and surgery policy.

[The article read]…

Just this week, the organisation published an article with concerns about sexualised content of underage girls on Instagram, where Roper says “mothers are essentially pimping out their daughters” and argues that Instagram should stop providing a platform for these sexualised images of minors.

“After reporting some pages, Instagram reported that no community guidelines have been breached. Some of these accounts are linked to Patreon accounts where viewers (which appear to be paedophiles, based on comments) can pay for subscriptions to more content, like underage girls washing the dog in a bikini.”



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