The porn industry is now trying to counter the good work of the War on Illegal Pornography before the U.S. Congress and you won’t believe what they are saying!
They are alarmed by our successful efforts to get U.S. Senators and House Members to sign a letter to the Attorney General urging vigorous prosecution of obscenity violators. Here is the whopper of a lie they emailed to YOUR Congressman:
“There is no need for this action since the adult entertainment industry is not involved in obscenity.”
Then they went on to say the adult industry protects children from being in and viewing age-restricted content. They are the very ones giving children unfettered access to hardcore obscene porn, the very ones causing widespread addiction to obscene porn are telling Congress they don’t distribute obscenity!
The 75-member War on Illegal Pornography won’t let the porn criminals get by with this. In fact we are redoubling our efforts and I hope you will support us. Today we set up another call center in our D.C. office and we are furiously calling and emailing House and Senate offices to get MORE Members on the letter. Let Congress choose between the pornographers, who do nothing but cause harm, or families, the ones irreparably harmed by the flood of vile material flooding society.
Below is our press release in response to this.
Could you do two things?
First, for one last time send an email to your two Senators and House Member urging them to sign the letter:
Second, please click here to donate and help us fight the porn industry today. You are so critical to this War.
Thank you for your help!
Patrick Trueman