In the age of Game of Thrones and The Girlfriend Experience, everyday Americans are regularly confronted with normalized depictions of prostituted women and men. From Amnesty International and TED Talks calling for full decriminalization of sex trade, there is a concerted effort underway to convince the public that prostitution is just another job. However, the real-life experiences of those who are prostituted are far from glamorous or empowering but are filled with exploitation, violence, and degradation.
What can be done to combat this growing cultural phenomenon? That is what this webinar, hosted by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, will address. From rebuttals to common myths which support the sex trade, to practical actions individuals and organizations can take, this webinar will provide an in-depth discussion on how to combat the normalization of prostitution.
Speakers include Survivor Advocate Shamere McKenzie and NCOSE Vice President Lisa Thompson.