How to Raise Pornography Resistant Kids
If and when pornography slips through the filters or rules, the pornography resistant child has good relationships, communication skills, and a plan in place to handle the situation and get help.
If and when pornography slips through the filters or rules, the pornography resistant child has good relationships, communication skills, and a plan in place to handle the situation and get help.
It feels impossible to keep kids from seeing pornography these days. Do you know the best kept secret for equipping your child to be pornography resistant?
Apple has listened to our pleas to improve child safety on their products! Thank Apple for giving parents more power and more options to protect their kids.
Fortunately for parents and caregivers, protecting your children from online dangers is not an impossible task.
Instagram should enact swifter, broader measures to protect the safety and well-being of its users—especially the youngest.
Ep. 43 Kristen Jenson, founder of Defend Young Minds, shares tips and resources to empower kids and promote online safety.
Apple has taken smalls steps, but must do better to support parents, caregivers, and teachers to protect kids on their products.
Every parent should plan to talk with their child about pornography at some point. The following five tips can help.
VidAngel provides a way to skip or mute things you don’t want to see or hear in movies and TV shows—including graphic violence and nudity.
Did you know that mainstream companies you interact with every day may be facilitating sexual exploitation, or leaving children vulnerable to abuse or graphic content?
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation is proud to honor Protect Young Eyes with our August 2020 Dignity Defense Alert for their leadership in protecting
We get it. We’re parents too and this is not the school year beginning any of us envisioned for our children. Parents and guardians would