The Movement: Progress with Congress, Big Tech + the #CESESummit 


There is so much happening in the movement to end sexual exploitation!

Legislation to protect children online is speedily gathering momentum.

A 28-year-old law that is the single greatest enabler of sexual exploitation is crumbling. 

Big Tech corporations are bowing to your demands for increased safety measures. 

Advocates around the world are getting ready to gather together for the #CESESummit.

To keep you abreast of these and other thrilling developments, we’ve launched The Movement, a regular video update on progress and challenges in the fight to end sexual exploitation. Watch the first episode below!

A View from Washington, DC: Energy in Congress

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) went to markup in the House! This critical bill has 69 co-sponsors in the Senate—Republicans and Democrats are both standing united in their support. 

KOSA would ensure that social media platforms design their products responsibly to protect children and meet minimum common-sense safety standards.

It is urgent that you reach out to your Congressional Members and ask them to support KOSA NOW.

At the same time that KOSA is speedily moving forward, The House held a hearing on the need to SUNSET the Communications Decency Act Section 230 (CDA 230). Sunsetting CDA 230 means that the law would be rendered inactive after December 31, 2025—thereby removing the single greatest enabler of sexual exploitation!

CDA 230 is why tech companies are getting away with allowing rampant sexual exploitation, and even making money from it, on their platforms.

Learn More about CDA 230 and join us in asking Congress to fix this!

Senators Graham and Durbin hosted a press conference on ending immunity for these platforms! Our CEO, Dawn Hawkins, joined the Senators in calling for change.

Protecting kids online is probably the only thing Congress can agree on! It has been 25 years since Congress took action to protect children online. These legislative changes are long overdue and we cannot wait to welcome them with you! 

The #CESESummit is Aug 5-8 

THE gathering for the #EndExploitation Movement is two and a half months away! With the collision of emerging technology and sexual exploitation, we are at such a pivotal moment which will result in either immense good or immense harm. We can use technology to scale solutions to truly end sex trafficking and exploitation—or these nightmares will explode. 

We must act now! Leaders from across the movement are meeting together Aug 5-8 in Washington, DC to learn and strategize together. Please join us!

Survivors & NCOSE Petitions Supreme Court to Examine Sex Slavery in Nevada

The NCOSE Law Center filed a petition to the US Supreme Court to re-examine our sex trafficking case against the State of Nevada. 

Three survivors, sex trafficked due to Nevada’s legalized prostitution, are fighting to hold the state accountable. Represented by NCOSE attorney Christen Price and co-counsel Jason Guinasso, they argue that Nevada’s actions violate the 13th Amendment which bans slavery.

The Ninth Circuit dismissed the case, but we are urging the Supreme Court to review this decision. This petition aims to hold officials accountable for enabling sex trafficking. We can’t allow the STATE to stand as the sex trafficker! 

Dirty Dozen List Wins with Apple, LinkedIn, and Instagram 

We are just two months since the launch of the 2024 Dirty Dozen List and already we have had incredible progress!

Apple kicked out all of the nudifying apps that we brought to their attention. Some were rated for age 4+ and kids are downloading them, creating deepfake pornography by the thousands and bullying their classmates.

LinkedIn removed nudifying bot promotions and articles. NCOSE researchers found posts on LinkedIn with titles like: “Best Undress Apps and Websites in 2024” and “Best 6 Alternatives to Bikini Off Bot Online in 2024.” LinkedIn’s placement on DDL was featured in the UK Daily Mail. LinkedIn responded to the journalist, and since the Daily Mail piece we have not seen any promotion of nudifying apps on the platforms.

Instagram heard your demands! They will proactively blur sexually explicit content in Direct Messages for minors and put up warnings if minors are about to send sexually explicit content. In January, Instagram agreed to do this for 13-15 year-olds, but we urged them to extend the safety change to all minors, given that the most at risk group for sextortion are 15-17 year-old boys. Finally, Instagram has seen reason and agreed!

Please keep up the pressure! Take action at

You Make This Possible!

This incredible progress is a result of YOUR voice and YOUR support! We are so grateful to be in this fight with you. Together, we are changing the world!

The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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Survivor Lawsuit Against Twitter Moves to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Survivors’ $12.7M Victory Over Explicit Website a Beacon of Hope for Other Survivors

Instagram Makes Positive Safety Changes via Improved Reporting and Direct Message Tools

Sharing experiences may be a restorative and liberating process. This is a place for those who want to express their story.

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