The National Center on Sexual Exploitation Participates in Giving Tuesday

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving, December 1st, is Giving Tuesday! Already in its fourth year now, last year’s giving total topped $45 million.

What makes this day so special?

Giving Tuesday is one day in the year dedicated to donating to your favorite community organization or non-profit.

And after a weekend of shopping, what better way is there to get into the giving spirit than contributing to your favorite organization? It’s a beneficial way to kick-off the season where philanthropy plays such a central role.

And during this holiday season, we at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) encourage you to give! Whatever organization you chose, we encourage you to contribute to an organization out there doing good and spreading hope in the world. Such organizations survive on the charity of others, from people just like you!

As you make your choice about who to support this coming Giving Tuesday, we want to share with you just why our organization is a unique opportunity to make a difference in this world with a generous (tax deductible) contribution.

  • The National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s is committed to a world where “all individuals have a right to be free from the effects of pornography and all other forms of sexual exploitation.”
  • No other organization is doing what we are doing! In 2015 alone we played a central role is changing 15 corporate policies that contributed to or facilitated sexual exploitation.
    • Each year NCOSE produces the Dirty Dozen List, a list of 12 major contributors to sexual exploitation. And we work relentlessly to target and pressure these groups to change their destructive policies.
    • In 2015 NCOSE convinced Google, the Department of Defense, Comcast , Walmart, Hilton Worldwide, Hyatt Hotels, American Apparel (and others) to join the fight to defend human dignity.
    • No one speaks out like we do against corporate sexual profiteering!
    • We have the bandwidth, the resources, the research, and the reputation to get the attention of Chief Executives. We connect the voices of everyday Americans to the ears of corporate executives.
  • No other organization addresses the full spectrum of sexual exploitation.
    • Other organizations specialize in forms of sexual exploitation, which may sometimes limit their capacity to address the bigger picture. NCOSE fights pornography, sex trafficking, prostitution, sexual violence, and sexual abuse. We see the whole picture and help others connect the links between all forms of sexual exploitation.
  • We have over 450,000 supporters, spread across America and from all 50 states. These happy warriors are united in the effort to defend human dignity. Join us here!
  • We lead the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE).
    • This domestic and international coalition consists of 300+ organizations united in the commitment to fight against sexual exploitation. Whether it’s sex-trafficking, prostitution, pornography, child abuse, or violence against women, we are committed to educate and empower others while changing corporate and government policies.
    • Although NCOSE is a non-partisan organization, our coalition is bi-partisan. It really shows that no matter your political affiliation, we all stand for human dignity.
    • We host an annual summit to gather the anti-sexploitation leaders to better educate, network, and collaborate together.

So while you are thinking about who you will donate to this Giving Tuesday, we hope you think of us!

We cannot fight the battle against sexual exploitation without you. We need your support to continue our efforts.

Donate here. Every dollar makes a difference!

Watch Our Video Here:

The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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