It’s time to do something about all of the pornography, child pornography, the child predators and the buying and selling of women and children on the world’s favorite website – Facebook.
My Experiences (Dawn Hawkins):
When I wake up in the morning, one of my first thoughts is that we need to check our Facebook page, Pornography Harms, and quickly remove all of the pornographic profiles that joined the page throughout the night. We are used to being targets of the porn industry and those who are vehemently pro-porn. This comes with the job. But, we expect Facebook to quickly act to remove pornographic and illegal content from its site once it has been reported. We have realized that days and weeks go by before Facebook takes any action to remove these porn pages and profiles, even sometimes child pornography. Frequently, these pages, which violate Facebook’s terms, are never removed.
Yes, child pornography is being uploaded and traded on Facebook. For about a month, we had 2-5 profiles join our Facebook page every day that had child porn (often younger than 5) as their profile picture. (We reported it to the FBI as well.) If our small page had this many predators flocking to it, then how many are there on the network??
In addition to the blatant pornography and child-pornography being shared on the popular site, I can no longer dismiss the fact that PEOPLE are being BOUGHT AND SOLD on Facebook too. I have attended many conferences on human trafficking, we regularly work with other organizations who fight human trafficking and I hear from victims of sex trafficking weekly. It is not hard for me anymore to see through the facade and tell when women and children are blatantly being sold. When I go to block some of the new members to our Facebook page, I click on their profiles only to see that they are ONLY friends with hundreds of young, often ethnic (Hispanic, Asian, or Filipino) girls looking coyly at the camera dressed and posed very sexually. I would venture to say that many of these are staged profiles of victims of trafficking.
Other proof that this is happening:
- News Article – Human Trafficking on Facebook – A Story That’s Easy To Ignore
- Screenshots – There is no pornography, just pictures of the pages so you get the idea
What you can do?