Progress Report: Meeting with the U.S. Department of Education, New Campaigns, and More

I have a sign in my office that says simply: “Communicate results.”

It’s meant to remind me to tell our supporters the good things we are accomplishing. Yet, things have been happening so fast this year that I find it difficult to honor that command.

So, here is a quick update on this last week:

department of education meeting
Executive Director, Dawn Hawkins, and a supporter activist outside the Department of Education.

Last week, we had an important meeting at the U. S. Department of Education on the problem of EBSCO and related companies supplying porn-filled databases to schoolchildren. EBSCO also sent us a letter last week and several emails telling us of numerous changes they made at our request to eliminate problematic material. We have hope for real progress on this front, to protect children in schools, but there is a lot of work ahead of us.

Last week, we also co-hosted a congressional briefing in the U.S. Capitol building titled, “Creating a World Without Exploitation.”



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Congressman Chris Smith attended and spoke about combating sex trafficking at the national briefing.


The room was at full capacity with standing room only, and Congressional staff from both sides of the aisle attended in order to le width=arn more about the need to curb the normalization of buying sex from a prostituted or sex trafficked person. Learn more here.

We held the fourth in our Confronting Sexploitation Summer Seminar Series, which addressed the reasons prostitution is sexual exploitation, not “sex work.” These are lectures to a live audience in our office that are live-streamed to an audience that is averaging nearly 5000 views within 24 hours of the lecture. Learn more here.

A Comcast Vice President called me last week to inform that as a result of our campaign the company will no longer display the titles of its porn movie offerings in their program guide available to all viewing customers. Instead, titles will be behind a screen that requires several steps before one may view them. The descriptions of the videos will also be “sanitized.” This is progress but not sufficient for us and thus we launched a major social media and call-in campaign against Comcast this week. Learn more here.

We launched a major effort against the “Walmart of online gaming,” a company called Steam, because of two new games that are pornographic and available to children on the company’s website. Learn more here.

There is so much opportunity and progress in the fight for human dignity! Please join our cause by getting involved in the campaigns and events linked above, or by considering a donation to keep this momentum going.

Together, our voices are making a difference!

The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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