7th Grade Girl Exposed to Porn on School Device

Excerpt from ky3

Some Springfield parents are concerned about inappropriate material that’s accessible on their children’s school-issued Chromebooks.

They contacted KY3 News about those concerns, specifically that pornography being viewed by young children in an ad at the bottom of a web page.

“I started teaching in public schools over 20 years ago, and for the first time will not be in public schools,” said Brette Hay.

Her career came to an unexpected end.

“They assure us we have these filters, they can’t access these things… she didn’t search it, I didn’t search it, but it came up, automatically came up, and automatically started playing with a full pornographic video,” Mrs. Hay explained.

This, she says, on her then 7th grade daughter’s school-issued Chromebook.

“It was kind of hard seeing both of these ads because then it made me wonder and question—so then I had to talk to mom and I looked things up and it was just very hurting to myself to see these things and then me questioning it,” explained Emma Hay.

Google should and must assist schools further by turning on the filtering tools by default and setting them at a level that would block most, if not all, pornographic content. 

Learn more and take action here.

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