Can you feel the momentum?
Last week, 600 advocates from 18 countries gathered at our CESE Summit to get educated, equipped and inspired. The room was packed to capacity with individuals and organizations, and even members of the Canadian and Australian parliament — people from all religious and political backgrounds finding something very unique in today’s climate….UNITY. Unity around the desire to work together to defend human dignity from sexual exploitation.
Today, we see the fruits of coalitions as the President signed the FOSTA-SESTA bill into law. This legislation effectively ends immunity for websites that knowingly facilitate sex trafficking and prostitution. It took countless hours and strategy meetings from NCOSE, and other leaders, to get this tremendous victory!
At the Summit, sex trafficking survivors, people recovering from pornography, child sexual abuse survivors, and more spoke out and connected the dots, showing that all forms of sexual exploitation are linked.
If you register before Friday you can get 50% off of the price for the 2019 CESE Summit! We want to see you there!
During the Summit, three generous donors saw our momentum in action and contributed to form a matching grant of $50,000! Would you consider contributing a donation between now and April 20th so that this generous offer can be reached and matched? Whether you can donate $1,000, $100, or $10, every dollar will be doubled!