Some Colleges Now Offering Pornography Courses

Would you willingly donate money to an organization that promoted sexual exploitation and violence towards women? Across the globe, some universities are beginning to offer courses on pornography and entire weeks dedicated to sex workshops. Now that mainstream pornography contains violent themes, this means that the tuition at these universities is tied to the promotion of sexual exploitation and violence.

Because pornography is present in today’s society, many universities think that’s enough reason to expose their students to it. UCLA offers a course called “Pornography and Evolution,” which delves into the explanation of why porn exists and how it embraces evolutionary theory in the social sciences.  At the University of Wolverhampton, explicit video clips of pornographic films were shown in class by multiple professors. Showing porn in the classroom oversteps the line; this is when students become victims of porn and when universities declare their approval of sexual exploitation and violence.

While it is important to be aware of pornography and its effects on society there is a fine line between becoming educated on the effects of pornography and offering pornographic exposure to students. In most health courses, students are taught about various diseases and addictions; however, you do not see professors actually injecting students to give them firsthand experience of the symptoms. Students do not need to watch porn to be educated about it, yet in this outbreak of new curriculum, there have been instances where professors have shown porn in the classroom and assigned students to watch porn as a homework assignment.

At several universities, pornography extends beyond the classroom. It is becoming popular for many campuses to host a sex week. At these events, there are instances where pornography is introduced and encouraged through lectures by naked instructors, pornographic displays, etc. Sex week celebrations, which are often paid for with university money, have now spread to Harvard, Columbia, University of Chicago, Brown, Northwestern, University of Tennessee, University of Michigan and a smattering of other schools. Rather than educate, these events facilitate the sexual assault problem on college campuses and encourage unhealthy sex practices without regard to research or real-life application. For this reason, Sex Week was placed on 2015 Dirty Dozen List, a compilation of leading contributors to sexual exploitation in America.

The fact cannot be ignored that pornography has an overwhelming presence and on today’s society. In an environment where young individuals are actively trying to determine who they are and what they believe, the notion that sexual exploitation of individuals, abusive sex, and that violence are acceptable should not be communicated.

Take Action by contacting university officials & learn more about the harms of Sex Week on college campuses here: 2015 Dirty Dozen List: Sex Week

Want to learn what companies or organizations are on THIS year’s Dirty Dozen List? Check out:

The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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