PayPal has ended its payment processing work with the massive and exploitative porn site Pornhub.
Making the business decision to cut ties with the incredibly lucrative pornography industry is no easy thing. Many corporations balk at the thought of jeopardizing any source of income, yet even so there are still companies out there who are willing to value human dignity above their bottom line. PayPal showed that it is willing to be one of those companies when it made the hard choice to cut ties with Pornhub.
PayPal made the right choice to no longer partner with the pornography industry by ending its work with Pornhub and we are encouraged by this new commitment!
When mainstream corporations normalize the pornography industry—such as PayPal, Carl’s Jr., Kraft Heinz, and many others have done over the years—they fund and promote its inherently sexually exploitive content. Not only does most mainstream pornography depict themes of violence against women, incest, and racism, but recent revelations also exposed the fact that sex trafficking and child sexual abuse videos have been found on Pornhub and other sites like it—yet another important reason we are grateful for PayPal’s decision to end its partnership with the site.
This development is particularly important in light of the online commercial porn industry’s economic model, of which Pornhub is a part, and the way that sites like Pornhub are incentivized to make highly offensive and derogatory pornographic obscenity easily accessible to young users.

Commercial sexual exploitation, in any of its forms, ought to be intolerable to our society which is why we are so glad to hear about PayPal’s commitment. This is another important stepping stone for the movement to end sexual exploitation in all its forms.
Please sign this petition to thank them for their important new policy!