The global movement to shut down Pornhub is growing.
In 2020 alone, we’ve seen the global #Traffickinghub campaign expand and sweep across the globe as it has amassed and united over 2 million supporters in opposition of Pornhub, one of the largest porn sites in the world, which has been caught hosting videos of sex trafficking, child sexual abuse victims, non-consensually shared images, and extremely racist content.
Pornhub has been caught hosting videos of sex trafficking and child abuse victims, along with non-consensually shared and extremely racist content. #ShutItDown #DayofNonViolence Share on X
Even as Pornhub participates in and profits from rampant sexual abuse and exploitation, they try to cover up their exploitative behavior by leaning into highly publicized “philanthropy” efforts such as offering free access to their exploitative content to users during COVID-19 quarantines.
On Friday, October 2, 2020, the United Nations’ International Day of Non-Violence will be observed. This important day is a timely opportunity to protest Pornhub and use our voices and platforms to stand peacefully against the violence and harm that Pornhub perpetuates.
Today, the international #DayofNonViolence, I am protesting Pornhub. Why? Because no corporation should profit from sexual exploitation. #TraffickingHub Share on X
Our Vice President and Director of the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation, Haley McNamara, will be participating in the international Day of Non-Violence protest against Pornhub in front of its offices in London at the same time that sister protests in Los Angeles and Montreal will be under way, and the rest of our staff will be adding their support virtually.
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation believes that no corporation should profit from sexual exploitation. Accordingly, we are standing up for justice for all those around the world whose filmed abuse and exploitation—or non-consensually shared images—have been uploaded and viewed via Pornhub. Whether through participating in this protest or by connecting survivors to resources or through our Law Center efforts to help survivors of sexual abuse and exploitation find justice in the courts, we are on the side of survivors.
I stand with survivors of Pornhub. You are not alone. #ShutItDown #DayofNonViolence Share on X
Pornhub’s days are numbered. Survivors and advocates are protesting around the world because it is past time to hold this mega-corporation accountable for commodifying and monetizing violence against women and children.
If you are anti-trafficking, anti-exploitation, anti-violence against women, anti-child abuse, or anti-coercion—wherever you’re coming from—join the protest in solidarity for survivors, and so Pornhub feels the cultural tide shifting against them.
It's time to hold Pornhub accountable for commodifying and monetizing violence against women and children. #TraffickingHub #ShutItDown #DayofNonViolence Share on X
Join the international protest against Pornhub virtually:
- Sign the #TraffickingHub petition to demand that Pornhub be shut down
- Post on social media and call out Pornhub for profiting from abuse and exploitation, using the hashtag #DayofNonViolence.