Hope on the Hill: Advocates Against Sexual Exploitation Unite on Capitol Hill
Last week, over 250 advocates gathered in Washington, DC to urge congress to fight online sexual exploitation!
Last week, over 250 advocates gathered in Washington, DC to urge congress to fight online sexual exploitation!
NCOSE is thrilled to bestow the Dignity Defense Award on Rep. Lois Galgay Reckitt of Maine, who introduced legislation to decriminalize prostituted people while increasing criminal penalties on sex buyers.
90% of young people in 20+ countries are now better protected!
5.3 billion Google searches per day have now been made safe!
Ever heard the expression “Third time’s a charm”? For Discord, a three-peat Dirty Dozen List target, it’s turned out to be true!
You taking action makes a difference! Just six weeks from the Dirty Dozen List Reveal, we are seeing major victories and progress among some of the most powerful corporations in the world!
When YOU take action, it makes a difference! For proof, let’s review a decade of victories from the Dirty Dozen List!
You raised your voice and mega-corporations listened!
In 2022, we saw incredible progress towards ending sexual exploitation! Read encouraging victories here!
On January 1st, history was made when the first law in the U.S. requiring pornography sites to verify the age of users, and therefore prevent children from being exposed to pornography, went into effect.
Predatory pornography site Pornhub was recently booted off three major social media platforms after NCOSE shared evidence of Pornhub’s crimes and violations of platform policies.
The PROTECT Act fills a gaping hole in existing law that allows pornography to be created, uploaded, and distributed online without the consent of persons depicted in the material.