The Next Generation is Standing up Against Pornography and Snapchat
June 1st was National Delete Snapchat Day!! A social movement that is fighting pornography and opposing social media platforms that contain pornographic materials pronounced June 1st, National Delete Snapchat Day. Their efforts gained steam, with many young people speaking up on social media and sharing how Snapchat and how even pornography have negatively impacted their lives.
In a Facebook Live video 2 brothers who are a part of the movement, Bray Hallman, a 20-year-old, and his 12-year-old brother, said, “So I wanted to take a second to talk about something that has been a HUGE problem in my life and that is pornography. Ever since I was young I struggled with it and one of the biggest ways I found or used pornography was through the app Snapchat. Young kids have the power to access it from anywhere and we need to take the steps necessary to keep them away.
We are taking the challenge to delete Snapchat on June 1, 2018 and spread awareness for this cause. Pornography is a type of drug that can consume and ruin people’s lives. Please don’t wait and delete the app!”
Remember the Snapchat Discover Channel, “Cosmo After Dark” that was cancelled after one episode? Bray said, Cosmo After Dark, “took you straight to pornography and things dealing with pornography… It’s honestly super scary.”
Bray goes on to describe his first encounter with pornography and his continual exposure to pornography. He says, “I could find pornography everywhere, it was so easy to find, and it just seemed to be popping up everywhere in my life. I got the app Snapchat and it was fun at first but with Snapchat came a lot of bad things. I could send and receive photos and then they disappeared. People could send and receive inappropriate things and through all the discovery channels on Snapchat you can find pornography almost everywhere on Snapchat.”
These are all the exact reason that Snapchat has been on our Dirty Dozen List for the past 3 years. It is extremely encouraging to see young people standing up for themselves and against corporations like Snapchat who promote and profit from sexual explicit content.
We stand behind the next generation as they fight for their own dignity and the dignity of others. We hope you’ll join Bray Hallman and his brother and delete Snapchat today and say no to sexual exploitation.