Category: Victories

VIDEO: Maria's Story - How pornography affected her relationships


We have had an incredible year, with monumental victories. We have instigated major changes in both government and corporate policies to better curb sexual exploitation

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Victory: #endexploitation Summit major success

Victory: #endexploitation Summit major success

The Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation was launched this past weekend in an enormously successful two-day conference in Tyson’s Corner, Virginia, just outside Washington, DC. People came from all over the U. S., and from several other countries, Mexico, Austria, Sweden, Germany, Trinidad and Tobago, and elsewhere.

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ANOTHER VICTORY: Meeting with Google

ANOTHER VICTORY: Meeting with Google

We’ve had a busy, productive week! Our meeting with the newly appointed Chairman of the FCC, Tom Wheeler, left us enthusiastic that our efforts are making a difference. Chairman Wheeler’s fortified his commitment to maintaining the current decency standards, affirming a new standard to allow nudity will not be implemented.

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DECENCY FIGHT VICTORY: Meeting with FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler

DECENCY FIGHT VICTORY: Meeting with FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler

Yesterday, May 6, 2014, we had a meeting with the new Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Tom Wheeler.

We are pleased by the outcome of today’s meeting. We are nearly certain that this new standard to allow nudity will not be implemented and are hopeful that under newly appointed Chairman Wheeler, the current standards will be enforced.

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Young kid caught watching porn at library

Victories from the movement

One reason Google was put on our Dirty Dozen List for two years in a row is because their app store was full of pornography and other inappropriate apps. Last year Google improved their policies slightly. But this year they are removing all of these apps from the store completely.

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2013 Highlights & Victories

2013 Highlights & Victories

MIM launched new, annual project called the Dirty Dozen,

SquareGraphic_DirtyDozena list of 12 facilitators of pornography. Thousands of Americans have participated in contacting these individuals and companies, and after considerable press, success is happening.

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TV Networks Want Decency Laws Ignored

FCC Win- Nominee Commits to TV Decency

Federal Communications Commission nominee Michael O’Rielly committed to enforcing the federal decency law during his Senate nomination hearing Sept. 18. When questioned by Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., O’Rielly said he would enforce the current standard.

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Victory on Military Porn

Victory on Military Porn

Morality in Media (MIM) calls the decision by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) to remove sexually explicit magazines from their shelves a great victory in its effort to stop sexual exploitation in the Military.

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The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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Survivor Lawsuit Against Twitter Moves to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Survivors’ $12.7M Victory Over Explicit Website a Beacon of Hope for Other Survivors

Instagram Makes Positive Safety Changes via Improved Reporting and Direct Message Tools

Sharing experiences may be a restorative and liberating process. This is a place for those who want to express their story.

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